Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [art] [noun] [pers pn] is " in BNC.

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1 In the offices of the church it is the turn of Vespers .
2 But in the eyes of the law she is a woman in name alone
3 He flirts , he touches , he gazes deep into the eyes of the person he is talking to , no one is immune to his immense charm .
4 Having discussed the parameters of the signals it is time to look at the detectors .
5 To some this might seem puzzling : surely a discipline knows what it is about , what aspects of the world it is interested in ?
6 From the ages of the samples it is possible to establish the length of time for which certain regions on the Moon , particularly the maria , have been exposed to bombardment .
7 If you generally want the views of the public it is no good trying to false those views through a straight jacket of your own to make it what you think there views should be unless of course they go right over the top in which they I do n't think that 's happened so far . .
8 The suitability of candidates is assessed , in part , by those who already sit as judges how make their assessments on the basis of the candidates ' ability as an advocate and since those advocates come , in the County Court in the main and in the Crown and High Court exclusively , from the ranks of the barristers it is they who are selected .
9 Partly , this is a matter of teacher supply : in certain areas of the country it is not just the National Curriculum that is at risk — it is any curriculum .
10 Well , for one thing , because of the Eastern origins of the sport it is all in Japanese and a bit hard to explain on paper .
11 Western ‘ aid ’ in the mental-health field must change gear to address the needs of the people it is supposed to help : concentrate on the villages and towns where most poor people live ; require as little capital investment and new training as possible ; and make the maximum use of local talent and resources .
12 When embarking on a study that addresses the information needs of an organisation it is often difficult for the project leader to ensure that the project is both cost-effective and comprehensive .
13 Five buildings of a hospital he is designing will be seated on these bearings .
14 However , if one party is to bear the costs of the other it is important to specify this in the heads and ensure it is binding on all parties .
15 Having dealt with the general principles of the UCTA it is now possible to analyse its effect in detail on various contractual relationships using as a framework the definitions and different combinations of the factors set out above in the section devoted to the basic rationale of the UCTA .
16 To the Buddhists of the island it is the home of the Temple of the Tooth .
17 Among other features of the road it is interesting to see how it still forms the northern boundary of Kirtlington Park , to the east of the Cherwell , and the southern boundary of Tackley Park , on the other side of the river .
18 Obviously local scepticism hopes to feed on special features of the areas it is concerned with .
19 She considers marriage to be a gamble for any woman , a gamble which can only be justified where the woman examines the character and prospects of the man she is to marry .
20 If it is intended to vary the terms of a will it is usual to use a deed of variation .
21 In order to gain an understanding of the synthesis procedure , consider first the elementary problem of designing a first-order Butterworth filter for which , from equation ( 12.2 ) or in terms of the parameter It is required to find the physically realisable transfer function which will yield the first-order , Butterworth , amplitude-squared response represented by equation ( 12.3 ) or ( 12.4 ) .
22 [ … ] However the problem with regulation , as US experience testifies , is that the regulatory agency can become captured by the political interests of the industry it is regulating and fail to act as the guardian of consumers ' interests .
23 ‘ It was n't an easy task and shows members of the public it is not just fires the fire brigade attends and it is not just cats and dogs that vets deal with . ’
24 As regular , well-known members of the church it is difficult to put ourselves into the shoes of the first-time visitor .
25 How far this influenced some members of the government it is difficult to say but I have no doubt it was one of the factors which led to a majority being against abolition .
26 Well members of the jury it is because we 've set the course that acting upon in itself would not have been enough .
27 While this comedy of errors is being played out , the central element of the president 's programme , a five-year package of measures designed to reduce the federal deficit by almost $100 billion , is in danger of being rejected on Capitol Hill — by members of the party he is supposed to lead .
28 Hence in company with other anomalous creatures of the forest it is dangerous to women .
29 Given the adversarial procedures of the Court it is not surprising that it defined a dispute in bilateral terms .
30 To learn the basics of the sport it is best to go to one of the numerous windsurfing schools around the country .
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