Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] be [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 All these sorts of things are going to be the sorts of things that we 'll bring up in discussion , but you wo n't realize what the problems are until you tried doing it .
2 In the early seventeenth century , for instance , all sorts of cases were brought to the courts , from the seduction of wives to the incidence of prostitution .
3 These sorts of policies were bound to be self-defeating , as we indicated in Section 7.2.4 , since the volume of world trade contracted and therefore output and employment stagnated on an international scale .
4 It is not the case that whenever we become a member of a civil society , a body politic , that we are so to speak signing the social contract erm think of it erm a little bit like erm a social club erm East Biddock Old Comrades Club was actually established in the way Locke describes , you know , a group of citizens of East Biddock came together and decided to establish a social club subsequently of course all sorts of people are admitted to membership of East Biddock Old Comrades Club but that as a process which , although very similar to the original contract of establishment , is n't actually erm the same , you know , they 're not actually re-establishing the civil society , they 're joining one that already exists .
5 All sorts of dodges were resorted to for ‘ surrendering ’ property .
6 The Augmentations structure of local receivers and auditors was preserved for certain branches of the revenue ; and very much more modern and efficient methods of accountancy were applied to most operations .
7 What precisely was entailed in oversight was not made clear and in practice the control of the school , its aims , policies and methods of teaching was left to the headteacher .
8 The key issue which Oakeshott addresses in relation to science is the belief that science is experience ; that is , the belief that the methods of science are fitted to a reality which exists outside scientific thought .
9 During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early part of the twentieth century , the application of quantitative methods of science was extended to psychology and so to education .
10 This was compared with the situation where capitalist methods of production were used to further undermine pre-capitalist methods of production .
11 As each comb is completed , rods of paper are fitted to it , extending vertically downwards , from which the next horizontal comb will be suspended .
12 Surprisingly , the other avenue available — use of the County Topic Loan Service — does not seem to have been explored in any systematic way , even though parties of children were taken to the divisional library on at least one occasion .
13 Baku , meanwhile , remained without special security measures or curfew restrictions , and gangs of looters were said to be attacking abandoned Armenian homes largely unchallenged by the sole detachment of 1,000 Interior Ministry troops who had arrived from Moscow on Jan. 14 .
14 Entirely electronic amplifiers are arranged in banks , so that between eight and sixteen channels of EEG are transmitted to a bank of galvanometers .
15 In fact , power in many walks of life was delegated to members of the business elite and business organizations which became part of the state apparatus ( Miliband 1969 , pp. 87–96 ) .
16 Following an intensive campaign by the World Health Organization , when mass injections of penicillin were given to everyone at risk , this form of syphilis has been eradicated in Yugoslavia .
17 Millions of acres of rainforest were reduced to a desolate wasteland of charred tree-stumps .
18 In the Philippines 34.6 million acres of rainforest was reduced to just 5.4 million acres by logging programmes during the corrupt Marcos regime .
19 Sussman and McNeilage ( 1975a ) argued that whereas receptive aspects of language are lateralised to the left hemisphere , production of language is not so clearly lateralised in stutterers as it is in normals .
20 ACTIVITY 2 10–15 mins Look again at your answers to Activity 1 and identify which aspects of care are geared to the needs of the individual and which are geared to the needs of the organisation .
21 To examine power one must examine hierarchy , occupation , clients , race , and gender and recognize that these aspects of power are related to each other .
22 Even if the troops currently under arms could be knocked into shape , finding yet more reserves of manpower was going to be difficult .
23 Note also that it is assumed that the description contained in TITLE-IS is UNCLASSIFIED , since the title will appear whenever lists of modules are sent to a printer or viewed on a screen .
24 Births in the first seven months of marriage are assumed to be pre-maritally conceived .
25 Within a few minutes of galactosides being added to the medium , the genes are switched on , and enzymes appear .
26 For all these states of affairs are said to be united within the complex whole .
27 This is hardly surprising since one of the major activities of childhood is coming to terms with emotions , managing emotions , and establishing to what extent our own society , community , or family finds the display of emotions acceptable .
28 In recognition of this growing business orientation , the weapons activities of AEA were transferred to the Ministry of Defence in 1973 , at which time AEA staff numbered 16,000 .
29 Advance copies of reports are provided to the press and other interested parties at a cost of about £6,000 a year .
30 Often copies of memos are sent to other people for their reference .
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