Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What we intend to do in this chapter is discuss the inferential structure that forms the backbone of many of the methods of data collection currently in use .
2 This success is something to share with the company 's business partners , host economies , shareholders , employees and , of course , drinkers of quality beers all over the world .
3 Korean capital , has one of the highest concentrations of sulphur dioxide anywhere in the world .
4 The government was warned by scientists of the UK Photochemical Oxidants Group , responsible for the report on nitrogen oxides , that many urban , and some rural areas , have atmospheric concentrations of nitrogen dioxide greatly in excess of critical levels as set by the UN Economic Commission for Europe .
5 Other aspects of parallelism fall now to be compared to and contrasted with the parallelism of greater precision .
6 TEN packets of lavatory paper still in their 1910 wrappers sold for £176 yesterday in an auction at Sandon Hall , Staffs .
7 In the last few years our understanding of pillow lavas has advanced dramatically , due almost entirely to some remarkable observations made by diver-geologists of pillow lavas actually in the process of formation in the sea off Hawaii .
8 After 6 months of specialist treatment here at the National Spinal Injuries Unit , doctors said they 'd made miraculous progress .
9 They used a saline solution as the test flavour and gave different groups of subjects pre-exposure either to saline itself or to some other flavour or flavours .
10 When Mick and Julie Turrell arrived early Friday morning , they were surprised to see several groups of detector users already on site ready to set up their tents .
11 She dropped cans of root beer all over my feet in the subway station ; one broke and splattered and dampened my toes .
12 The question occupied the hearts and minds of hundreds at the conference , was tossed around in a rather lack-lustre debate , and sparked flames of pub argument long into the night .
13 If this is so , the legal model of the company as so far described needs to be rejected in favour of one which does not explain the rules of company law exclusively in terms of the rights of owners , but which instead regards members and employees as joint stakeholders , each with legitimate demands that the company be run for their benefit .
14 Their decisions form a self-contained body of rules of precedent value both for adjudication officers and for tribunals .
15 But this particular county is extremely well covered by special forms of countryside protection both through national park , heritage coast , A O N B and as was mentioned in a rather a throwaway fashion but in terms of grade one , two and three A O N agricultural land .
16 Rice paddies stretched away endlessly on either side of the ship , and they saw crowds of Annamese in cone-shaped hats of palm leaf already at work , sometimes wading waist-deep in the muddy water .
17 When lines of poetry spring spontaneously to the mind of a lawyer , I thought , they have surely ceased to be true .
18 Specifically , while poverty disproportionately affects Black families , studies which address women 's experiences of poverty focus disproportionately on white families .
19 We were strongly opposed to the licensing of two sensitive blocks of sea bed close to Bardsey Island .
20 One type of reservation relates to the class nature of adoption : it is thought that the observed beneficial effects of adoption stem mostly from the tendency of adoption to move children to a somewhat higher social class than that of the family of origin .
21 A man was taken to hospital suffering from the effects of smoke inhalation yesterday after a kitchen blaze at his ground-floor flat in Lutterworth Road , Longbenton , Newcastle .
22 Effects of oil shortage elsewhere in Eastern Europe
23 Both play a very clever trick which will answer the prayers of video users all round the world .
24 In addition , employees share the proceeds of company success either through general productivity bonuses or bonuses attributed to their particular section .
25 While Levačić deals with criticisms of market coordination mainly from a neo-classical perspective , Breitenbach et al .
26 South Korea maintained barriers to imports of consumer goods well into the 1980s .
27 The mine will produce 9 million tonnes of coking coal and 4 million tonnes of steam coal annually of which 5.3 million tonnes of coking coal will be exported to Japan .
28 Outside the castle gates visitors will find one of the finest and most complete circuits of town walls anywhere in Europe — over three quarters of a mile in length with 22 towers and three original gateways .
29 Heavy ripe droplets of rain splatter ominously onto the windscreen , regular and damning .
30 ‘ I 'd been a partner for 10 years , I was 43 and could see another 17 years of PW partnership ahead of me .
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