Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [noun] [v-ing] over the " in BNC.

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1 Numerous food scares and the dramatic rise in reported cases of food poisoning over the last few years , plus the need to comply with European Community requirements led to the Food Safety Bill , now nearly two years old .
2 THE late Bruce Chatwin once said that when he worked at Sotheby 's he became acutely aware of indestructible objects of art surviving over the years while generations of human flesh decayed around him .
3 On one occasion the voice of Jack Peach , one of our versatile announcers , described Christmas on the Canadian west coast , including the cries of sea-gulls wheeling over the docks .
4 Comparisons of prey assemblages of predators hunting over the same area ( Append .
5 With the likes of Ministry marching over the hairy horizon , Eugenius and their casual like are virtually being pushed towards the mainstream .
6 Tongues of colour washing over the old grey mansion .
7 Away to the left a flare hit the water , clouds of smoke rolling over the surface towards her .
8 Looking down towards the Orne I could see a thick mist over the water and patches of mist hanging over the cornfields .
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