Example sentences of "[noun pl] during [art] [adj] [num] years " in BNC.

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1 It has been argued that in Britain , on every major social issue that has come before the courts during the last thirty years , the judges have supported ‘ the conventional , established and settled interest [ and ] have reacted strongly against challenges to those interests ’ ( Griffith , 1991 , p. 325 ) .
2 The warden , Peter de Neville , and his foresters , bailiffs and vendors of wood were accused of having taken great quantities of timber from the king 's demesne park and woods during the preceding thirteen years , for Neville 's own use , for sale and for making lime and charcoal .
3 Less than 25 have been completed and the latest plan aims to finish only 26 projects during the next two years .
4 ‘ He 's been to the United States three times during the past two years and returned with large sums of money , which he carries in a money belt .
5 The difficulty with all this is cost as , despite the Lands Tribunal decision , there is nothing to prevent the Capital Taxes Office from raising a new demand based on fresh grounds , as it has done many times during the past 11 years .
6 In real terms , the funding for the Energy Efficiency Office has risen 10 times during the past 11 years .
7 It only remains to add that although I have no doubt that Hugh correctly identified the ‘ search ’ of the Canterbury monks with the process of forgery , it is quite possible , indeed probable , that at various times during the previous fifty years individual members of the community had made experiments in altering the documents to make them more effective .
8 This will be done with the full cooperation of C3 Division of the Home Office , the Lord Chancellor 's Department and the Crown Prosecution Service all of whom have agreed to grant access to the relevant documentation in relation to cases during the first five years of the Act 's operation .
9 How , then , has the acceptance and understanding of racial differences been perpetuated and built into policy discussions during the past 40 years ?
10 If in a particular year Dr A publishes four papers , which are cited an average of 15 times by other authors during the following five years , then they have been useful .
11 Another significant factor has been the instrumental ‘ explosion ’ which has affected all schools during the last forty years .
12 I am pleased that there has been a threefold increase in , for example , HRT prescriptions during the past 10 years .
13 On jobs , its almost certain there will be further losses during the next two years , but bear in mind that when I asked for SVS volunteers last September more than 230 people applied .
14 He continued to paint and write poetry from time to time but he was now a professional and energetic film director , turning out twenty documentaries during the next eleven years .
15 Pulse arrival times have been recorded by Taylor and his colleagues over extended periods during the last 15 years .
16 Also getting a lot of media attention was the National Study of Childhood Cancer , which is going to look at a number of background environmental factors in all children 's cancers during the next five years .
17 He returned again , having left the German army , at fairly regular intervals during the following two years , and one could not help noticing with some alarm the deterioration he underwent from one visit to the next .
18 Some of the consequences for this group include over 120 spontaneous leukaemias during the next 50 years and an increased risk of genetic disorders in future generations ( Anspaugh et al. , 1988 ) .
19 Biblical scholarship has made enormous advances during the last forty years , aided immensely by the discovery of new primary sources , material unavailable to researchers in the past .
20 The vole prefers slow-moving rivers , pools and marshy areas with some deep water whose level changes little , but there have been great changes to Britain 's wetlands during the past 40 years as a result of agricultural intensification .
21 The two week healing rates for patients with one , two , three , four , and five or more recurrences during the previous two years were 42.3% , 40.5% , 40.6% , 34.6% , and 40.6% respectively .
22 On Dec. 12 the military junta passed a law regulating the activities of the incoming Congress , which would prevent it , among other things , from taking action against members of the outgoing government for their actions during the past 16 years of military rule .
23 It is impossible to look at any of their actions during the past three years without seeing that they are carrying Home Rule at the dictation of the Nationalist party , but that in order that Home Rule may be carried they are turning up everything in the country .
24 Quinton and Rutter ( 1983 ) quote a figure of fifty or more parent figures during the first five years in a residential nursery as being common .
25 The agrarian structure in Chile has undergone profound changes during the last twenty years .
26 Abolitionists had to face the fact that for many of their fellow countrymen during the next thirty years open public meetings continued to have this resonance .
27 Using material from Europe and North America collected by the Museums during the past 150 years , the gallery offers an historical record of styles and taste and shows how the development of communications helped shape the work by artists and manufacturers .
28 This is the third part of WACC 's international Study and Action Programme , which will guide the association 's work and objectives during the next five years .
29 Maxton saw the Agreement as " the answer of the three most politically conscious and informed workers Parties in the country to a very widespread demand for unity that has been felt by every working class spokesman who has faced audiences during the last two years " .
30 There have been no fatalities during the last two years .
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