Example sentences of "[noun pl] show that [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Slightly different considerations show that some reasons for recognizing the authority of another are secondary .
2 Abstract considerations show that computational mechanisms of a certain type ( such as a nervous net with no significant prior structure ) simply can not achieve specific kinds of spatial pattern recognition ( Minsky & Papert 1969 ) .
3 Despite the fall in September sales , the figures produced by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders show that total sales in the first nine months , at 1,919,338 , are still 5 per cent up on the same period last year .
4 For a long time , too long in fact , this theory held the field , until improved analytical methods showed that various samples of nucleic acid did not have the exact constant proportions of the different bases required by Levene 's tetra-structure .
5 Indeed , some of the cases show that different amounts of advertising ‘ work ’ differently .
6 Studies in mice showed that immunological sensitisation to gliadin does not trigger the development of a T cell mediated lesion of the intestine when the diet contains gluten .
7 Its lacklustre showing in the opinion polls during the Government 's recent travails shows that good reasons for not voting Tory are not the same as good reasons for voting Labour .
8 However , treatment studies show that special forms of treatment can have a positive effect on the psychological and social functioning of many patients , especially women .
9 Figures show that 17 members of Durham County Council claimed £2,087 in expenses up to January 10 .
10 Figures show that 17 members of Durham County Council claimed £2,087 in expenses up to January 10 .
11 Figures show that 17 members of Durham County Council claimed £2,087 in expenses up to January 10 .
12 Official figures show that private consumption under Sandinista rule has fallen by 70 per cent .
13 Official figures show that private consumption under Sandinista rule has fallen by 70 per cent .
14 Alternative medicine is also becoming increasingly popular — the latest figures show that one person in seven has seen a complementary practitioner within the past year .
15 The latest figures show that seventy-six companies per day are failing in Britain , the highest rate since the recession began more than two years ago .
16 Conservationists are fighting for tighter controls because new Government figures show that 38,000 acres of open countryside were swallowed up by developers in England , every year , for the 5 years between 1985 and 1990 .
17 UNICEF figures show that 66 percent of the population have no access to health care .
18 The tables show that these birds at best occupied only 25 per cent .
19 The first of these putative Na + /H + exchangers has 95% homology with the previously cloned human fibroblast Na + /H + exchanger , with which it also shares several functional characteristics , including extreme sensitivity to amiloride. furthermore , immunocytochemical studies showed that polyclonal antibodies to a fusion protein incorporating this sequence localise to basolateral but not apical membranes from rabbit ileum .
20 The evaluation studies showed that self-paced orientation with exercises was a very useful method for introducing students to the use of the library .
21 Further studies showed that this effect on anomal weight and pellet consumption was not seen with the addition of porcine colipase alone and that there was a significant reduction in total weight of food consumed at six hours when 10 µg synthetic VPDPR was given intraperitoneally .
22 With the end of the Gulf war and the release of inflation figures for February showing an annualized rate of 5.9 per cent , base rates were reduced to 13.5 per cent on March 15 , and after the April figures showed that this rate of inflation had been maintained rates were further reduced to 12.75 per cent on May 16 .
23 Solution The percentages show that 100 grams of the sugar contain 40 grams of carbon , 6.7 grams of hydrogen and 53.3 grams of oxygen .
24 These results show that intestinal pseudo-obstruction in patients with amyloidosis is caused by either myopathy or neuropathy , and that chemical types of amyloid may determine which of the two factors has the dominant affect on the bowel function .
25 Our results show that horizontal gradients of VSR between the two eyes , differential vertical perspective , do affect the amount of perceived depth in stereoscopic surfaces , as predicted by Mayhew and Longuet-Higgins ' computational theory .
26 The present results showed that all patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection had pre-S1 or pre-S2 detectable in the liver , irrespective of the status of hepatitis B virus replication or histological activity .
27 The results showed that those males with experimentally elongated tails subsequently attracted more females than those with reduced tails .
28 I quoted examples showing that significant changes in organizations can be catalysed by the presence of even a single individual who is willing to engage with the problem deeply , persistently and openly .
29 Combined fluoroscopic and manometric findings showed that transient relaxations of the lower oesophageal sphincter resulted in gastro-oesophageal reflux of gas with distension of the oesophageal lumen as was evident by the 10–15 mm Hg oesophageal common cavity pressure .
30 In this study , pathological examination of the necropsy specimens showed that amyloid deposits in the myenteric plexuses were seen only in the AA cases .
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