Example sentences of "[noun pl] between [pers pn] and [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If , like many executives , you have no representative to act on your behalf in redundancy negotiations , it is all the more important for there to be detailed discussions between you and your employer about any plans to make you redundant .
2 However , matters between him and his congregation gradually deteriorated as he was thought to be very ‘ High Church ’ , and a bitter dispute broke out between 1845 and 1848 between ‘ High ’ and ‘ Low ’ Church supporters .
3 Also , solicitors must keep confidential communications between them and their clients .
4 Also , solicitors must keep completely confidential communications between them and their clients .
5 They must keep confidential communications between them and their clients .
6 Also , solicitors must keep confidential communications between them and their clients .
7 Also , solicitors must keep confidential communications between them and their clients .
8 An astonishing shift of power A crucial speech by Sir Peter Imbert underlines the extent of the differences between him and his predecessors .
9 The differences between them and their mainland cousins were only small , but if such changes had taken place , was it not possible that over many millions of years , the cumulative effects on a dynasty of animals could be so great that they could bring about major transformations ?
10 Now , in accepting Tully 's offer , the defendant was not protecting his master 's interests … [ he ] was placing himself in a position in which there was a conflict of interests between him and his principal and he was looking after his own interests to the detriment of his master 's interests .
11 I also discussed with Marshal Shaposhnikov the ways in which we could establish clearer links between us and our staffs .
12 The link was a woman : she lived with the allies , raised their children , arranged further marriages between them and her brothers ' children .
13 ‘ I read the letters between him and his brother and it became clear he could n't even buy petrol on the New Jersey turnpike without writing to the petrol company about being over-charged .
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