Example sentences of "[noun pl] because it is [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Note that this chart is slightly different from that used for chariots because it is much harder to hit the crew or warhorses on a War Wagon because of the size of the tower .
2 Mr de Klerk 's people say the Congress is dragging its feet because it is too disorganised to talk .
3 The other problem is that , while the UK coal industry is producing more than UK demand , the surplus it produces can not be sold economically to other buyers because it is too expensive to produce .
4 The pluralist perspective will not help us deal with these problems because it is more interested in political behaviour than in the role of ideas in society .
5 Versions of the traditional hornpipe danced by sailors of many nationalities are featured in many ballets because it is so descriptive of the very particular way in which seamen walk and do the many different jobs that have to be done on any kind of boat .
6 These strands do not continue throughout the levels because it is not possible to specify further measurable stages of development in these abilities , and it would be cumbersome to repeat them unchanged throughout the remaining seven levels .
7 Is not found funny by many pupils because it is not true and not particularly amusing either .
8 I say surprisingly in the case of Christian feminists because it is so clear to me that women , or the feminine , can never hold an equivalent place to male figures or motifs within what is a deeply masculine religion .
9 New Democrats dislike it because it is a substitute for painful spending cuts , old Democrats because it is inherently regressive .
10 I never detail calorie content in my diets because it is n't necessary .
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