Example sentences of "[noun pl] may [adv] have [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Erm well it 'll be useful I think for you , I me , assuming that peoples ' timetables may well have changed a bit since er , the beginning of last term it 'll be useful if you
2 Previous generations may also have felt a passing pang of regret as they allowed the younger generation to take their place , but they were not subjected to the pressure to stay young which affects men and women of forty or fifty today .
3 He suggested that in the early stages of the industrial system , tactics like machine-breaking by agricultural labourers may indeed have reflected a clash between workers ‘ traditionalistic outlook ’ and the new methods of technical efficiency .
4 … and since this is the nature page , readers may just have noticed a Conservative Party pre-election poster featuring a giant , savings-sucking mosquito .
5 What I have presented as analysis of current movements may well have acquired a historical flavour by the time these words are read .
6 King Alfred 's successes may well have owed a great deal to his predecessors , but in the construction of his network of defensive fortresses we see an ability to command similar to Offa 's , and perpetuated by his son Edward the Elder and grandson Æthelstan , who conquered all England for the West Saxon dynasty .
7 In this respect , Kenneth Baker 's jocular early reference to Labour 's ‘ Gould mine ’ of political gaffes may conceivably have fallen a little short .
8 Other factors may also have played a part .
9 Gen Noriega 's provocations may simply have accelerated a plan that had been ready to be unleashed at any time .
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