Example sentences of "[noun pl] should be [adj] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The party 's policy review paper says Muslims and other minority religious Home groups should be entitled to voluntary-aided schools provided they follow the national curriculum .
2 The party 's policy review has said that Muslims and other minority religious groups should be entitled to voluntary-aided schools ( for which nearly all the costs come from public funds ) provided they follow the national curriculum .
3 Other areas should be open to free competition .
4 As to the second argument , the Court accepted that in principle it was desirable to entrust supervisory control to a judge , concluding that the rule of law implies that executive interference with individual rights should be subject to effective control which should normally be the judges on the ground that this offers the best guarantee of independence , impartiality , and proper procedures .
5 Only the United States had no state airline , and believed that airways should be open to free market capitalism : ‘ In general , the Chicago conference can be described … as an attempt by the United States to capitalise on its overwhelmingly strong bargaining position in international aviation by securing for itself a near monopoly of long-haul air transport . '
6 He will also suggest that only the Monarch and a hard core of ‘ working ’ royals should be entitled to Civil List cash for public duties .
7 While the French and West Germans believe a supra-national system for regulating the EC economies should be subject to democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament , Chancellor Kohl wants this agreed and in legal form before other changes are made to the Treaty of Rome to create the proposed EC central bank or to give the EC Council of Ministers powers to override national governments .
8 Both antecedents and consequences should be open to systematic change .
9 They insist that Muslims should be subject to Islamic rather than British family law — a privilege they enjoyed in India under the Raj .
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