Example sentences of "[noun pl] should [adv] [vb infin] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The employees ' contracts should clearly state the length of the assignment for which they have been engaged together with details of procedures for termination of employment — both on behalf of the employer and the employee .
2 As a cyclist who regularly uses rail to travel longer distances , I am concerned that the proposals to privatise BR should lay down the right conditions for operators from the outset and that any legislation involving the obligations imposed on operators should specifically mention the interests of cyclists .
3 The constraints imposed by the language on possible sound patterns should significantly reduce the number of word candidates .
4 Minimum reporting standards require that valuation reports to be issued to clients or to the relevant authorities should normally take the form of a letter which would contain the following :
5 And the first one is , press releases should actually grab the imagination of the person to whom it 's addressed .
6 Development plan policies should also encourage the reuse of derelict buildings .
7 Green Believers should also support the chapels of fair trading which return rich-world profits to poor-world workers .
8 Teacher education methods tutors in all subjects should explicitly address the issue of language as a medium of learning .
9 In addition to videos , parents should also check the contents of music , novels and poems before allowing their children to come into contact with them .
10 Individuals should also have the right to choose their own time of retirement .
11 Research over the next 10 years should greatly clarify the issue .
12 Disturbed behaviour in sleep and rage attacks should also raise the possibility of epilepsy .
13 Future studies should perhaps investigate the effect of increased doses of oestrogen and the value of transdermal administration .
14 The idea that stories should always show the ideal would soon , one feels , convince young readers that literature is not about life , or about any life the reader knows .
15 Indeed , his insistence that punishments should only reflect the harm done to society and have nothing to do with subjective intent would seem to imply that the accident-prone should be treated the same as those who cause harm by design !
16 Bright economic prospects should further underpin the Seoul stockmarket , the world 's 14th biggest by market capitalisation .
17 Auditors should also consider the possibility of fraud and other irregularities and their effect on the truth and fairness of the view given in the financial statements .
18 The next lesson is recorded over the one before — and teachers should always have the security of knowing that a recording will be erased if they request it .
19 Yet despite Christie 's absence , at least the men 's 60 metres should still provide the highlight of the two-day meeting , with young Jason Livingston out to prove he could be the man to spoil the Olympic silver medallist 's last year in international competition .
20 In AD 531 it was ruled that any words , direct or precatory , would suffice for a bequest ; that legacies should also have the nature of trusts and vice versa ; and that each disposition was also the other .
21 In particular , will he urge that the Indonesians should immediately abandon the trial of the two East Timorese survivors and press for a full United Nations investigation ?
22 Values below 10Ω are also restricted , but scaling results should hardly tax the brain — even brains without co-processors .
23 Partnerships should carefully examine the practices being introduced into schools and if they come to share the critique of this paper , they should condemn them .
24 Their smiles and chuckles should instantly alert the parents who must stop using this method immediately .
25 All Church assemblies should perhaps have the motto , ‘ Behold I stand at the door and knock ’ inscribed above the door to remind them that the Church exists for outsiders not insiders .
26 Sleeves should always hit the bone of the wrist like this . ’
27 These findings should greatly facilitate the identification of DNA-PK recognition sites on other proteins .
28 The court 's order , signed 12 December 1990 , showed that , after the 27 July conference , the government had approached Chief Judge Platt privately to suggest that , rather than produce the documents he had specified , its agents should simply brief the court on certain matters connected with the bombing .
29 Some of our members may not have got beyond the idea that women should only exercise the rights and duties of citizens locally …
30 If the changes in connectivity which form the memory are localized to a particular small set of cells and their connections within the brain , rather than being widely diffused , then removal of the set of cells should also remove the memory — or prevent it from being formed .
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