Example sentences of "[noun pl] come [adv] [coord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His fingers came out and hovered at the side of her head .
2 People did move between these industries : engineering workers went to sea , as did in the course of a lifetime , some miners ; seamen came ashore and worked as scaffolders and riggers in the yards .
3 Nails came in and stood by him , not saying anything .
4 Adam lay still as Kaas came back and sat in the chair once again .
5 The girl lingered at a secondhand clothes shop and was looking at grubby petticoats displayed on iron rods by the doorway , when a young man dressed in a shabby tail coat and check trousers came along and paused beside her .
6 When we 're in Scotland , we regularly pay for Northern Ireland producers to come over and talk to us .
7 Subsequently , the floods came down and went over the whole bridge , topping the rails , and it was a tribute to the efficiency of both its design and erection that the bridge withstood this successfully .
8 Er we pride ourselves on our housekeeping , it 's a selling factor for us , and we have customers come round and look at the plant and they always commend us quite highly on our housekeeping .
9 Even the three debutants came in and played like never before .
10 I thought , if I could go for a hybrid of these two , and get comedians to come in and sit with deadpan expressions , I might have something interesting on my hands .
11 Two gold bears came down and swam like men
12 If my children came home and said to me that they got the cane at school I 'd have just said well you must have deserved it .
13 Every time I turn a corner , your secrets come out and pounce on me .
14 A few moments later two others came out and waited for them .
15 Long after the profiteroles had been sauced , tables were moved deftly aside for a short but gripping , and sometimes funny , obedience display by one man , one woman and both their dogs before the breeds came out and strutted for their admirers .
16 Malcolm also slowly moved into made-to-measure tailoring , probably because of teddy boys coming in and asking for stuff to be made up .
17 road it were , always remember and all lights went out so we pulled into this the guest house but could n't get in and next door was a pub so cos an Army camp near some soldiers come in and says in morning I says aye , he said what time are you going , I said
18 and the warden was there in her dressing gown trying to get her up and she could n't get her up this morning , so she had to get help , one of the workmen came along and helped from the top terrible to say though it is , yeah , never mind , they get over it
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