Example sentences of "[noun pl] who were [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Millwall just about deserved to take the spoils for their stirring second-half fightback and their performance must have cheered those fans who were furious at the £1m sale of forward Chris Armstrong to Crystal Palace .
2 ‘ When I was with the Rockman-Queens we had a number of clients who were high in the diamond trade .
3 But above all , he would unreservedly acknowledge his profound indebtedness to the three tutors who were instrumental in the successful achievements in the later years of the decade : Douglas-Smith , Edmund Poole and Hampden Jackson .
4 Early indications suggested that there were members within each of the three parties who were opposed to the merger , although the numbers and level of commitment of such dissidents was unclear .
5 A criticism made by those in both parties who were opposed to the appointment was that on Mr Harold Macmillan 's prompting the Queen had allowed herself to be urged prematurely into a decision without having at her disposal all the available evidence about feeling in the Conservative Party .
6 Of the four transplant candidates who were alive at the end of the study period , one with primary biliary cirrhosis had been referred and had received a liver transplant .
7 Table II analyses 203 subjects who were incontinent in the previous two months by duration of symptom ( 45% ( 92 ) for between four and 15 years and 16% ( 32 ) for over 16 years ) .
8 If one were to follow Descartes and attribute that variability to the mind , then animals who were mindless in the opinion of Descartes and Kant would react reliably and predictably to injury .
9 In Northampton , the Pratts were innholders from the reign of Henry VIII to George I , the Lyons family lasted for four generations and in the mid-seventeenth century had three brothers who were prominent in the trade , and the Peaches eventually acquired quite a chain of inns .
10 He was drugged on it all , just like many GIs who were dead to the world they were killing ’ .
11 Then all of a sudden these strange people started coming out of record companies who were involved in the video end of it and deciding this is what we should do with that song and sort of you know these were songs that we had planned and recorded and and all of a sudden these people were changing them .
12 The Grand Almoner was the Archbishop of Paris , who was assisted by a vicar-general and five chaplains who were responsible for the services in the chapels of the Imperial residences .
13 This may be out of order but , er , personal experience is that the , er , non-executive directors who were involved in the compensation made a recommendation that , er Michael 's salary be higher erm , than he in fact a agreed with , he requested that we lower it and in fact that was what was done .
14 Despite this it was to be less than two years before the Party adopted the idea of the " People 's Front " in its entirety , including the help of Liberals and even of Conservatives who were opposed to the National Government .
15 Perhaps it was not I but the other riders who were hell-bent on the wrong route .
16 British seamen in the US deserted in droves , alarming the new British government and bringing about a revived dialogue not only on seamen 's complaints about the inadequacy of British pay , the constantly recurring problems of loss of wages and effects when torpedoed and the inroad made by railway fares when they were paid off from diverted ships , but also on the dangerous state of mind of seamen who were incensed by the conviction that they were constantly subject to neglect , mishandling and coercion .
17 In addition to the work of a small but dedicated group of left wing militants who held shop stewardships at the Merseyside plant , he had received expert academic advice from two university lecturers who were sympathetic to the Communist international cause .
18 The interesting question is whether , if we had had a lot of tremendous tycoons who were interested in the arts , the story would be a different one ; we just have n't bred those sort of people in the last twenty or thirty years .
19 Of the 15 artists who were involved in the 1984–85 Newcastle anthology of East German art , only Hubertus Giebe is included here .
20 Full-contact , as it is.generally known , was the brainchild of a few martial artists who were tired of the controlled sparring methods allowed in karate and taekwondo .
21 At the same time , researchers who were unaware of the results of the lead tests interviewed the mothers , gave them intelligence tests and looked for social factors that might be affecting their children .
22 Researchers who were interested in the way of life of what were regarded as primitive peoples went to live among them to study their societies from the inside .
23 Those that worked the land grew rye and potatoes , beetroot , blueberries , apples and cherries ; they fattened pigs and kept large flocks of geese who were indifferent to the Pomeranian damp .
24 But it had established three important points : first , that there was potential to cut across established Green-Orange divisions in pursuing the interests of Derry ; second , that some educated young Catholics who were uninspired by the Nationalist Party would work enthusiastically on a campaign which challenged traditional sectarian prejudices ; and third , many people came to believe that a section , at least , of Derry Unionists was prepared to sacrifice the interests of the city to those of its party .
25 All those people and organisations who were involved in the accident , such as the operators and the manufacturers of the aircraft , the pilots and other crew members , Air Traffic Control , the Civil Aviation Authority , the passengers and anyone else who in the opinion of the commissioner has a proper interest in the accident , are entitled to be represented ; usually by counsel briefed by solicitors , but laymen are not excluded .
26 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
27 Erm the ta the the weave is based on the discovery of a seal , an seal , were the royal officials who were responsible for the quality of exported cloth .
28 This was a fluctuating group of four or five individuals who were responsible for the literary output of the organization .
29 Whilst in no way related , the stories of the pea and the pine serve to illustrate the many facets of plant introduction through the ages , reminding us of those thoughtful , artistic , practical and often intrepid individuals who were responsible for the plants which grace our parks and gardens today .
30 Three quarters of an inch of small print by waste disposal company Leigh Environments Ltd , lost among the Public Notices in the Manchester Evening News in April 1990 , complying with the legal advertisement of application to the Trafford Park Development Corporation to erect and operate toxic and clinical waste incinerators burning 26,000 tons p.a. in Nash Road at the Barton end of the Park , spurred into action several individuals who were aware of the health and life threatening potentiality of incinerating bitumens , acid tars , industrial cleaning fluids , engineering oils , solvents , agricultural wastes , fungicides , paints and above all polychlorinated biphenyls which are dioxin and furan generating , highly toxic , carcinogenic , teratogenic , difficult to destroy ( shades of Vietnam 's ‘ agent orange ’ and Italy 's Sevaso disaster ) , the incineration of which in ships in the North Sea had been banned by the E.E.C .
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