Example sentences of "[noun pl] so [adv] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But experience shows that language — and , particularly , language adopted or concurred in under the pressure of a tight Parliamentary timetable — is not always a reliable vehicle for the complete or accurate translation of legislative intention ; and I have been persuaded , for the reasons so cogently deployed in the speech of my noble and learned friend , that the circumstances of this case demonstrate that there is both the room and the necessity for a limited relaxation of the previously well-settled rule which excludes reference to Parliamentary history as an aid to statutory construction .
2 The filthy colonial military compounds so recently evacuated by the British and French provided convenient quarters for those who were now destined to spend most of their lives in exile , even though neither they nor their unwilling Lebanese hosts yet knew that they would have to do so .
3 This was the actuality of the pretty designs so liberally provided by the cottage enthusiasts of the time .
4 In the ten books so far published about the fortunes of Jack Aubrey there is a remarkable absence of hindsight .
5 Is it necessary to have an extra ladder of offences so closely linked with the general ladder of offences of violence ?
6 The farm buildings so often found below the galleries are situated further away in this case .
7 Adam Smith presented them as an example of a small group of workers so strategically placed in the chain of production that they could command high wages .
8 In the latter , fines for simply chatting with workmates contrast vividly with the drinking customs so often described in the artisan trades .
9 He has enlisted Government help and interest in the RCA ; he has raised money for the renovations so badly needed at the college , and for building additional accommodation nearby for students .
10 He revelled in the fragrance of the green boughs so lovingly placed along the nave and sanctuary steps .
11 The trade union rates so jealously guarded in the inter-war period by the Association became little more than the minimum wage of the 1950s , producing salaries insufficient to attract the ambitious tour operator and dynamic advertising manager and leading in turn to a failure to compete effectively .
12 This is the earliest formulation of quarantine regulations and preventive medicine relating to these diseases so far recovered from the ancient Near East .
13 These were minds so naturally paced to the business of authorship that writing , from their middle years , must have absorbed their waking hours , their conversations and their dreams .
14 The Towner Art Gallery in Eastbourne is giving the denizens of the south coast an opportunity to experience the start bleakness of the northern territories so empathically visualised by the unique and eccentric rent-collector with his visionary eye and ability to create beauty out of mean streets and the world of factories and warehouses .
15 Four hundred and five of the 442 SERC students so far included in the initial destinations survey will be contacted for the follow-up study .
16 The impetus for suggesting so major an upheaval came from Coleridge , who felt an increasing sense of obligation to live up to the hopes so clearly implied by the Wedgwood annuity .
17 Shelley wandered round the apartment blocks , in the shade of the abundant trees and shrubs so well arranged about the complex .
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