Example sentences of "[noun pl] will [be] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The computers will be in the schools for the start of the 1983–84 school year .
2 One of the keenest tussles will be in the women 's 50 metres , when the holder , Ruth Williams , takes on her Darlington clubmate , Helen Blanchard .
3 Some will be to provoke interest and curiosity , others will be to reinforce learning , still others will be for extension work and most importantly some areas will be for the pupils ' own work which will serve as a major focus of attention .
4 It is estimated that another 40 heavy lorries will be on the roads every week to replace the 24 wagon train which runs to St Helens and Edinburgh carrying 520 tonnes of cider and four loads of electrical light fittings .
5 Valves are available in three different packages — two EL34s , three ECC83s or one ECC83 — and are all pre-tested and proven Grade A. The new Marshall spares will be in the shops from September .
6 Reid will be attending a big jockeys ' meeting at York when whips will be among the subjects under discussion .
7 But EEI President Thomas Kuhn acknowledged that even the most optimistic environmentalists do not believe anything like that number of electric vehicles will be on the streets , even in the next 20 years .
8 Instead of training and playing , these children will be on the streets . ’
9 Curbishley 's next races will be in the Inter-Counties match with Northumberland at the Cleveland County Stadium next Saturday .
10 The method of reporting findings will be of the students ' own choice .
11 The franchising of British Rail services will be in the hands of the avuncular John MacGregor .
12 Closing date for entries to local schemes will be on the posters which will be displayed throughout C&P .
13 Others will be on the problems of exile , alcoholism and emotional crisis .
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