Example sentences of "[noun pl] can be [vb pp] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Such organizations can be said to be poorly designed .
2 Even from the point of view of ‘ saver ’ , let alone ‘ worker ’ , conservative/speculative management of funds can be shown to be damaging : savers ' interests lie in ensuring that when they retire , or reach a specified age , the pensions , endowments or annuities they receive will support a reasonable standard of living .
3 Whereas for Horvath and Sankoff ( as noted above ) the linguistic variables are ‘ well defined ’ , this is not so in a dialect-divergent community : in such a community few of the linguistic variables can be said to be defined at all .
4 The criterion of distortion is that statements are made about the society which by social-scientific methods can be shown to be positively in error , whereas selectivity [ i.e. primary selectivity ] is involved where the statements are , at the proper level , ‘ true ’ , but do not constitute a balanced account of the available truth .
5 It went to the extent of stating , ‘ … the TUC could not at any stage commit itself in advance to approve or acquiesce in the methods to be adopted to reach full employment simply because those methods can be shown to be well fitted and even necessary to the achievement of that objective …
6 ( Whether old people living in residential homes can be said to be living in the community is a separate issue , some aspects of which are considered in Chapter 7 . )
7 By virtue of being hand-made , all oriental rugs can be said to be unique — a weaver , no matter how hard he or she tries to follow a particular design , will invariably make small mistakes or innovations which will impart some individual flavour to the work — but it is rare to encounter a rug in which the weaver has consciously striven to express his own creative ideas at the expense of a traditional design .
8 Some people were outstanding and became the deified men and women of the great religions , and their lives can be shown to be relevant to the conception of the Created God .
9 The barbs can be seen to be separate branches lined with polyps .
10 Burrough ( 1986 ) suggests that the area of the map covered by lines can be assumed to be an area of uncertainty .
11 In areas of permeable rocks with sub-parallel valleys the terrace fragments on the spurs have breaks of slope both at the back and the front , and , in favourable circumstances , terraces at quite close height intervals can be shown to be distinct from each other .
12 As such , the hand transcriptions can be considered to be a perfect analysis by the acoustic-phonetic component into a string of phonemic , mixed , or mid units , excluding any representation for word or syllable boundaries and excluding the effects of assimilation across word-boundaries .
13 Water meters can be argued to be fair .
14 In this chapter , however , we are focussing attention on the behaviour when the effect of such departures can be assumed to be slight .
15 Notes : Participants can be expected to be in age range 25–55 , and approximately 75 per cent male .
16 These dimensions can be assumed to be strongly correlated with each other , so that a model of ‘ strong ’ corporatism can be constructed in terms of which specific countries can be ranked .
17 At the same time , we must have a proper national debate to see how many estuaries can be changed from being tidal areas , where there is extremely good feeding for birds , to areas which , in effect , become inland lakes .
18 Generally , eating problems can be avoided by being flexible with your puppy from the start , varying the eating location , alternating types of dog food , and changing feeding times .
19 In each case these writers can be shown to be trying to place the other outside the sphere of mastery rather than in a relation of negation or of reduplication of the self .
20 There has been a strong movement in favour of delegalization and privatization of family and personal matters ; but when moral panic breaks out law continues to be invoked as ‘ binding on everyone in society , whatever their beliefs … the embodiment of a common moral position ’ , despite the recognition that ‘ in our pluralistic society it is not to be expected that any one set of principles can be enunciated to be completely accepted by everyone . ’
21 Subroutines are usually written to be " transparent " to the calling routine ; that is , the processor registers such as accumulators and condition codes can be assumed to be unaltered by the subroutine call , unless they are explicitly part of the subroutine linkage .
22 However , certain features can be expected to be present in any viable theory .
23 ‘ Content validity ’ ( C2 ) refers to the extent to which individual items can be shown to be measuring the same underlying skills or abilities .
24 On the other hand , none of these items can be considered to be collective consumption , as are roads and street lighting , for example .
25 Furthermore , if the components of two tensors can be shown to be equal in a particular coordinate system , i.e. then because the corresponding components of and transform identically the equality holds for all coordinate frames including , of course , accelerating frames .
26 Finally , as we have noted , pronouns are often used non-deictically ; but the actual variety of uses can be shown to be far greater than one would easily imagine ( Watson , 1975 ; Sacks , 1976 ) .
27 According to falsificationism , some theories can be shown to be false by an appeal to the results of observation and experiment .
28 Toshiba Corp has been showing off the robotics work it is engaged on at its research centre , where it has a number of projects that are or have grown out of government-sponsored projects : it is developing eyes 2mm to 3mm in diameter for a micromachine for use in inspecting pipes in nuclear power stations , and also a software-controlled self-mobile robot for use in space where not all astronauts can be expected to be robot experts .
29 For example , successive homeobox genes can be seen to be active , the further away from the polarizing region the cell is .
30 The circumstances and experiences of life create ever more diversity and certainly by the time old age is reached , differences can be expected to be at their most extreme .
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