Example sentences of "[noun pl] which [vb past] in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The incident was one of many domestic crises which crowded in upon the royal couple in those tumultuous early days .
2 Charles remembered from working on The Strutters with him that George had always had an approximate approach to the text , relying , as did so many television actors , on a sort of paraphrase of the speeches which homed in on the right cue .
3 A fair number of final bids which came in under the reserve price were later accepted .
4 And then he gave order that all the windows of the towers which looked in upon the town should be closed up , that the Christians might not see what the Moors did in their houses ; and the Moors thanked him for this greatly .
5 It seemed the season would start happily when Mick Harford kept up the habit of scoring on his debut with a superb 84th minute strike from 20 yards which went in off the underside of the bar .
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