Example sentences of "[noun pl] but it [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It may look a mess in them stables but it 's all in here , ’ Stanley said , pointing to his brain .
2 There is no preference in the law between an adult or a child in the use of the available seat belts but it is safer for the adult to be restrained .
3 This may be through formal meetings and newsletters but it is likely to be done most effectively by talking to your son or daughter about his or her progress and following up these discussions with the school .
4 Why do you think it did n't fail er early on as a strike , er a as the fact it was only predicted it would last two or three weeks but it was obvious at the time it was gon na go on .
5 Now it 's reminiscent a that that ca n't be my deja vu who , cos I do n't think you can in tastes but it 's reminiscent of something to me .
6 I do n't necessarily think that all these particle physicists are solving the world 's problems but it 's fundamental in the way the world works .
7 Clearly this is no place for novices but it is possible for them , if armed with a torch and wearing boots and clothes that do n't matter , to go into one hole and emerge from the other , the two entrance passages converging after fifteen yards of stumbling progress .
8 Darlington council will no longer have to chase individual community charge payers but it is responsible for establishing who , at each address in the town , is liable to pay the Council Tax .
9 The praise of Keegan and the criticism of Brown might have surprised and distressed earlier generations of gentlemen-amateurs but it was logical in its own terms ; if players wished to become rich , they had to sell themselves as well as their skill .
10 It 's not vital for batsmen to play in championship matches before Tests but it is different for bowlers who have to prove themselves . ’
11 The presets are actually very usable starting points but it 's good to be able to play a note , press a button and listen to the sound changing until you 're happy with it .
12 Many teenage children feel unable to talk to parents about intimate or emotional issues but it is important to be ready to talk , if they show that they want to .
13 Erm I did n't see any past pa I did see some past papers but it was subsequent to my setting these exam questions , right ?
14 The acid rain problem may have disappeared from the headlines but it is far from being solved .
15 The authority is not bound to accept his recommendations but it is rare for many , or any of substance , to be overruled .
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