Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pers pn] have be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
2 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
3 When one turns to his large-scale tonal designs , unexplored until now , it becomes apparent that Lully 's influence is as preponderant in Campra 's cantatas as it had been in his stage music .
4 More pointedly , such analyses are concerned with measuring the effects of wage movements ; the causes have to be sought in the actual , real-world process of industrial relations — an environment as uncongenial to economists as it has been to many industrial managers .
5 They could be expected to be as obedient to the workers as they had been to the capitalists .
6 US President Bush ( who had been head of the then US liaison mission in Beijing in 1974-75 ) , appeared to want to restore relations as they had been before the Tiananmen Square massacre , but often came under congressional pressure to adopt a policy more critical of China .
7 Compulsory ‘ liberal studies ’ was , however , not to remain a distinctive feature of CNAA degrees as they had been of the Diploma in Technology .
8 The questions posed by the existence of the asylums thus remained as unanswered at the end of these closures as they had been at the inception of their planning in 1978 , when NETRHA officers too were also beginning the difficult task of addressing them .
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