Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pers pn] be [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The ethnographic investigator spends time observing the lives as they are being led , piecing together patterns of activity and elements of conversations .
2 ‘ No-one should be fooled by the small fluctuation in this month 's unemployment figures as they are being claimed by the Government themselves as possibly erratic .
3 They were equating ( and as Saunders points out this was later to lead to confusion ) Mead 's concern with the relations between self and society , with these relations as they were being constructed in specific geographical contexts such as Chicago or one of Chicago 's zones .
4 For example , in the case of a new piece of computer equipment , the law of confidence is all important in the early stages as it is being developed and evaluated .
5 The company 's Tokyo bureau chief , David Butts , twice entered the press club room — on May 21st and May 24th — and demanded to see the results as they were being put in the cubby-holes .
6 The first two can be seen as being derived from history , both shared and private , while the third is an attempt to come to terms with and respond to current realities as they are being experienced .
7 They want to engage in as mature a fashion as possible in realities as they are being experienced in order to take and make their own authority for their existence without being caught in the many traps for immaturity which are open to them .
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