Example sentences of "[noun pl] on which [noun] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The drafter should have a clear idea of the matters on which instructions are required .
2 The exclusionary rule was later extended so as to prohibit the court from looking even at reports made by commissioners on which legislation was based : Salkeld v. Johnson ( 1848 ) 2 Exch. 256 , 273 .
3 Perhaps after considering the slave trade , religious oppression , or even just the growth of Bristol as a great commercial city , the armchair historian would be happy to settle down with Anne Crawford on Bristol and the Wine Trade and reflect that not all the vices on which Bristol is founded are entirely a bad thing .
4 Most butterfly books , for example The Observer 's Book of Butterflies by W. J. Stokoe ( Warne ) , list the plants on which eggs are laid .
5 The two questions on which referenda were held in Britain in the 1970s , joining the European Economic Community and creating some limited self-government in Scotland and Wales , are good examples of just such issues .
6 The Department of Agriculture in Scotland has for many years conducted individual farm assessments with appeal committees on which farmers are represented .
7 Those things on which attention is focussed regularly are the things that get done .
8 Mean percentage of observations on which rats were recorded as orienting to a light ( OR ) or showing the conditioned response ( CR ) .
9 The range of problems on which solicitors are consulted is quite narrow , and of 27 categories adopted in the survey , seven accounted for over 80 per cent .
10 In fact , the statistics on the type of problems on which advice is sought have remained remarkably constant since 1973/74 .
11 A booklet and set of cards form a training exercise which aims to stimulate discussion about the needs of informal carers , and to confront some assumptions on which services are based .
12 In spite of this caveat , the implicit assumptions on which policies are based have only slowly evolved from a colonial , Euro-centric and messianic intellectual frame of reference which has endured the waning of empire and the regaining of political independence of most former colonies .
13 By raising the rates and the valuations of goods on which customs were charged in May 1558 , Mary was able to boost the yield from £29,000 in 1556/57 to £83,000 in 1558/59 , a startling increase , from which her successor benefited , not she herself .
14 To begin with the system was used by chroniclers , then for specifying the dates on which fairs were held or rent payments due , and finally , in the thirteenth century , it came into use for dating letters and other documents .
15 In Western civilization this has generally been considered to be Christianity , as this is the religion which has most powerfully moulded the values and beliefs on which society is based , just as in a Muslim country for example the religion to be handed on would be Islam .
16 Every town and village , and most large estates , had natural or man-made ponds on which matches were arranged as often as the weather allowed .
17 Here , I want to discuss the principles on which variables are selected for quantitative analysis .
18 Health watchdogs say it indicates the tight martgins on which hospitals are required to run .
19 Only in rejecting the terms on which life is offered to him can a man discover his real dignity , his real self . ’
20 It was well known that Sir Dennis Rooke made it clear to the right hon. Member for Worcester ( Mr. Walker ) that the privatisation of gas should be on his terms , and those were the terms on which gas was privatised .
21 This procedure involves the bank in accepting full liability to pay the bill on maturity and this is granted subject to the terms on which bills are drawn by the company .
22 Television advertising is strictly monitored , there are no banners or hoardings around the course and the committee decides the terms on which players are invited .
23 The imposition of legislative constraints on profit maximisation can , therefore , be viewed as a procedure for adjusting , in the public interest , the terms on which wealth is created .
24 It can be argued that the interests of the various groups affected by company decision making — employees , local communities , consumers , and all of us , through our interest in the environment , for example — are invested with a moral significance that can not be adequately captured within the relatively finite external legal controls that are currently relied on to regulate the terms on which wealth is created .
25 Even though the London TOM has expanded greatly , the number of different securities on which options are written is still a very small proportion of the total number of securities in existence .
26 Of these the most important was Theodore Robinson , who did become a close friend of the painter , and who produced some paintings of the haystacks on which Monet was working at the time , which are almost indistinguishable from those of the master .
27 And finally , was she perhaps being judged by the inherent quality of the coat-hanger itself out of which her creation was made ; and if so why should she be judged by the quality of the coat-hangers on which garments are returned by the laundry her parents patronize — since that 's their responsibility should n't they share her grade ?
28 In addition as the gap between the possible and the affordable becomes ever wider and societies grapple with the conflict between individual need and the collective good , the outcomes movement can at least inform the debate and as the Oregon experiment shows , begin to democratise the values on which choices are made .
29 In addition , the leaflet on which the public response was based , did not adequately highlight the difference in effectiveness between an outer northern route and the other routes on which views were sought .
30 The islands on which Venice is based are sinking , 9 inches in this century alone ; at the same time the world 's sea level is rising as the polar ice caps melt .
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