Example sentences of "[noun pl] on [art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , it is also clear that such projections can only inform policymaking rather than dictate it and there remains a need for clear national guidelines on the provision of places at all levels of education .
2 These extend to very broad guidelines on the nature of investments and would also affect trusts considering merger .
3 Bearing in mind the evolving nature of the project itself with regard to guidelines on the format of proposals , the need for detailed spending plans and so on , it is natural enough that the shape and membership of the library committees in the first wave of schools were initially rather vague , the committees developing into more clearly constituted bodies as project development got under way .
4 In Britain , the HSE says that the responsibilities of workers , employers and suppliers for handling sulphur hexafluoride and its breakdown products are covered in general terms under the Health and Safety at Work Act and the guidelines on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health .
5 Political commentators noted , however , that there remained serious obstacles to co-operation between the two parties on a range of issues , not least the procedure for choosing a joint presidential candidate .
6 My right hon. Friends and I are currently seeking the views of interested parties on a package of measures designed to enhance environmental aspects of our support for hill farming .
7 During the meeting Brooke reportedly expressed the dismay of the UK government at these refusals , and reported on progress with unionist parties on the possibility of talks on devolution , while Collins said that the recent judgments on extradition had not been the responsibility of the Irish government .
8 The manager advises committees and working parties on the recognition of qualifications , guides management development work , acts as the Association 's spokesman on education matters and is secretary to the Education and Development Committee .
9 The king ensured that vital funds continued to flow , and was in any case disposed to make concessions on the question of cartels because many of the monopolistic companies had gone bankrupt and were useless to him .
10 In Belfast , for example , a great deal of well-documented linguistic information was used in designing the word-list , in order to examine the effect of specific phonetic environments on a range of vowels .
11 Remarkable things can be done linking projectors and computers so that you get composite or varied images on a wall of screens .
12 As an example of the latter we can recall one case in which the famous ‘ scientific ’ investigator of the paranormal , JB Rhine ( 1895–1980 ) , asked an experimental subject to try , clairvoyantly , to perceive the images on a set of cards that Rhine was turning up .
13 One of many speakers on the subject of drugs , President Virgilio Barco Vargas of Colombia said that drug trafficking fuelled terrorism and was one of the greatest threats to democracy in Latin America , adding that " every weapon in the war against narcotics pales into insignificance compared to the need to reduce demand " .
14 A particular advantage of the telephone interview method is that it makes less demands on the time of managers than conventional ‘ face-to-face ’ interviews .
15 It adds : ‘ The major influences on the use of inspectors ’ time appeared to be ad hoc requests both from institutions and from a variety of officers , and the personal professional interests of individual advisers . ’
16 But such a name never appeared , perhaps for the reason the New Yorker itself suggested : you can not fix labels on a world of shadows .
17 I believe he must cut his losses on a number of individuals .
18 When a community language teacher makes her or himself available to parents , especially in times of crisis , greater support and recognition can be gained , and the traditional mistrust of secondary schools on the part of parents , particularly working class parents can be eroded .
19 These figures are agreed by consultation with departments and schools on the basis of FTEs known to be generated by the present students and projections for the following year .
20 As a response to this situation , Blaug concludes , the wage-allowance system was criticised by the reformers on the basis of arguments which would " equally condemn most modern welfare legislation " .
21 This somewhat counter-intuitive emphasis of the more extreme falsificationists on the significance of falsifications will be criticized in later chapters .
22 I know that Making Belfast Work has shifted the goal posts on a number of things and jobs have been recycled from A to B. I think it is important to highlight those , but I do n't think we should accept small-scale efforts as a solution .
23 ( b ) The development of retailer power , in which the relative advantage obtained from bulk buying , the use of retailers ' own brands " , and policy limitations on the range of items stocked have all combined to put the manufacturer or supplier at a disadvantage .
24 The number of members in a private company is limited and there are limitations on the transfer of shares .
25 There are strict limitations on the reporting of proceedings and the press may be excluded altogether if the court considers it expedient in the interests of the child ( FPCR , r16(7) ) .
26 By circular HC(FP)84 2 , the Department of Health and Social Security gave guidance to FPCs in exercising their functions in paragraph 19 and referred to limitations on the use of services , such as a limit on calls .
27 A quarter of a century ago , Colin Buchanan told us that road-building , improved public transport and some limitations on the use of vehicles would not aloe solve the problem of traffic in towns .
28 The Directors may alter the Scheme with the prior approval of the Inland Revenue , but the basic structure ( and in particular the limitations on the number of shares which may be issued under the Scheme ) can not be altered without the prior sanction of the Company in general meeting .
29 But you know perfectly well that I support the new settlement strategy , and therefore in consequence I do support erm general limitations on the growth of settlements and expansion of settlements within the greenbelt .
30 The limitations on the effectiveness of patents in protecting new knowledge arise from the fact that patents disclose information which can enable imitators to invent around them .
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