Example sentences of "[noun pl] you have [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To identify classes you have to go back to the intentional properties of individuals — to the judgments , desires and aspirations which are essential to explaining what they then do in the class struggle .
2 It 's one of the first things you have to face up to .
3 To get the tickets you had to sign up for a complete tour and hospitality package , available through Travelforce , a travel agency in Durban — of which the then President of the Natal Rugby Union , and member of the Executive of the ( former ) SARB , just happened to be a director .
4 There are three issues you have to sort out at different ages and phases of your child 's development , and they involve the following questions :
5 ‘ That 's our newest arrival ’ said the Foreman with a laugh ; adding thoughtlessly , ‘ and I 'll bet her conditions are better than the ones you had to put up with in the war .
6 But they 're the ones you have to look out for — they 'll turn on you , sudden . ’
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