Example sentences of "[noun pl] that they have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 More than 30 people arrested at the end of November 1991 are reported to have ‘ disappeared ’ , raising fears that they to have also been killed .
2 Well , very briefly , the ideas was Freud in his early practice was getting stories from his patients that they had somehow been sexually interfered with or abused or something of the kind when they were very young , often by an older male friend of the family , a relative , or even their father and initially Freud thought these reminiscences were literally true .
3 Despite a general feeling that project work was more interesting than first- and second-year experiments , there was much dissatisfaction with the projects ; some students , particularly at C , complained that they had received very little advice on selecting a project , others that they had not been allowed to choose the project they wanted .
4 Paul Mba Abessole , a prominent opposition figure and leader of a faction of the main opposition group , the National Rectification Movement ( Morena ) , refused to accept a Cabinet post , as did some other opposition politicians , on the grounds that they had not been consulted on the composition of the new government , which included a number of ministers from the outgoing Cabinet .
5 On Jan. 3 the government claimed to have defeated the rebels and on Jan. 7 the French government started to pull out its reinforcements on the grounds that they had only been sent in to protect French expatriates and that this purpose had now been served .
6 The materials which I designed myself as illustrative of a particular approach to teaching ( for example , Widdowson 1978 ; Allen and Widdowson 1973 ) , have been criticized on the grounds that they have not been subjected to evaluation and thereby given the seal of practical effectiveness ( Murphy 1985 ) .
7 Stern and Partridge admit that monographs and specialised studies already exist on all these rooms , and make no claim to have discovered new material , but justify their extended reconsideration of the ‘ halls of state ’ on the grounds that they have never been analysed together as monuments of public art .
8 ‘ In 1945 , ’ Husband said , ‘ they were trading cigarettes-which were better than gold in those days — for party cards and affidavits that they 'd always been true Worker Youths-once they found themselves in the Russian Zone .
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