Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [vb base] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , agricultural equipment data should have unusually favourable characteristics that avoid some of the problems that some manufacturing investment data exhibit — most notably the conceptual and estimation problems that occur when there is a long lag between the placement of a new order and its subsequent delivery sometime in the future .
2 A slightly different format for group affiliation exists in single industry organizations that dominate many of the sectors producing consumer goods .
3 When we first cloned the human globin genes we realised that every cloned gene is person-specific , and therefore contains the particular sequences that instruct most of the features which we inherit and that determine our individuality .
4 Volunteers bring skills that complement those of the tutor , lead to a better student/tutor ratio , and facilitate the teaching of individuals with idiosyncratic needs .
5 This will involve new taxes and a cut in subsidies , including the huge fertiliser subsidy regarded as critical in the farming areas that hold most of the voters .
6 The main determinant of territory size in predators is the resource dispersal in the territory , the distribution of the productive areas that supply most of the food for the predators ' hunting area .
7 The front and both sides are not hindered by the battery , and these are the areas that do most of the work .
8 The aspect of definition in Cézanne 's work , its ‘ measurable ’ quality , is well illustrated by the fact that in one of his later Cubist phases Gris was able to interpret one of Cézanne 's portraits of his wife in terms of a few sharply defined , superimposed planes that capture much of the structural feeling of the original .
9 They were most marked on the heavy clays that overlie most of the Midlands , which produced good pastures .
10 Antarctic insects and mites have been widely collected from stations that include some of the world 's southernmost outcrops .
11 Most catalogues begin , usually with some proud and flamboyant phraseology , by describing the new varieties being introduced for the first time , and invariably , because they are the kinds that get most of the breeders ' attentions , these will be H.T.s and Floribundas .
12 The other side is an unusually fresh approach to new ideas , complementary therapies , and the kind of questions that put most of the medical establishment into a cold sweat .
13 At risk are the coral reefs , mangroves , lagoons , marshes and estuaries that support much of the region 's wildlife .
14 Work by the Fluid Inclusion Research Group , in collaboration with the NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory , has pioneered two new geochronological techniques that overcome some of the limitations of conventional radiometric dating .
15 Ease Gill Beck rises on the slopes of Crag Hill and after an uneventful early passage meets limestone on the 1200-ft contour , whereupon its flow becomes extremely erratic ; its rocky channels are tortured by fissures and crevices that take much of the water .
16 DECEMBER 1989 IN A SUITE ON THE 24TH FLOOR of the Mirage Hotel , Muhammad Ali is sitting on a small white sofa near full-length windows that overlook much of the east side of Las Vegas .
17 I 'm going to leave you with four grooves that include some of the triplet applications we 've been taking about .
18 The Chapters below will each be concerned with particular principles of this kind , but let us here just identify the aspects of the utterances that trigger each of the inferences .
19 The result is local services that ignore many of the needs of women ( Lansley et al .
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