Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or is it more likely to be so affected by nationalism and the historical preferences of its peoples that it will remain a heterogeneous collection of individual markets linked together in a loose customs union ?
2 MR Vaclav Havel , the Czechoslovak opposition leader , held talks with senior Communist Party figures last night on the shape of a new cabinet amid growing signals that he could become the country 's next president .
3 When Rodrigo saw the letters of his Lord the King , he greatly rejoiced in them , and said to the messengers that he would fulfil the King 's pleasure , and go incontinently to his command .
4 The king is reported as having told the clergy that they must reproach the practice ‘ vehemently and bitterly ’ , and if this did not succeed , he would take further measures .
5 The Court of Appeal held that there was no ground for disturbing the award as the arbitrators and the umpire were all " experts " and it was evidently the intention of the parties that they should settle the value and not act as formal arbitrators .
6 But , on the other hand , where Hansard does provide the answer , it should be so clear to both parties that they will avoid the cost of litigation .
7 In fact he had fully intended to wait for a suitable moonlit warm right , but the trying events of the day had put him so out of sorts that he could stand the waiting no longer .
8 Ever dodging the issues of principle , the Conservatives proffer only cautious protestations that they will defend the interests of women part-time workers .
9 As Khrushchev later admitted : ‘ It always sounded good to say in speeches that we could hit a fly at any distance with our missiles .
10 If that opportunity is denied the search company then they will have significant problems convincing their clients that they can do a good job .
11 They were under no illusions that they could do a better job from Detroit , but they had become increasingly concerned that they were getting out of touch with what was happening around the world , and that the tail was beginning to wag the dog .
12 Whenever he spoke to the woman he regretted that he had not stamped his authority and demanded that Gwen should be released from Leconfield and transferred with him , but they had said in Century 's personnel that he must have a secretary who knew the ropes of the Service , and he had acquiesced .
13 Miss Poraway told the men who were unloading the trestle-tables that she would require a good one , because she ran the book-stall and always had .
14 On 28 December , partisans made repeated attacks on German transport on the Via Emilia , their main line of communication with the battle front , which led to a threat by the Germans that they would burn the villages along the length of the road .
15 You ca n't go wrong , because I 'm so used to doing these operations that I can keep an eye on the cat 's breathing at the same time . ’
16 The answer which is usually proffered is a variant of the ‘ snapshot ’ argument : the stock of capital is so large in comparison with variations in the relevant flows that it would take a timespan considerably longer than the Keynesian short run for variations in the rate of net investment to have a significant impact on the size of the stock of capital .
17 An agenda proposal by Yeltsin 's opponents that he should give a " report back " explaining his conduct was defeated in favour of Yeltsin 's giving the customary keynote report in his capacity as Chair of the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet .
18 But in truth the need for this reform is so much greater in such times that it may provide the most appropriate occasion for it ’ ( Keynes , 1940 , p. 32 ) .
19 Well i it 's becoming slightly unfair because Watsons is n't on the stand , Watsons would also you know probably spell out in a little bit more detail , but their advice was comprehensive that there were Inland Revenue rules that it would put the tru and so on and one would want to s to say that tha that as well , but I do want to move on .
20 A new coalition of centrist , environmentalist and Maori parties , formed on Dec. 1 , showed early signs that it could challenge the traditional two-party structure of New Zealand politics .
21 On receiving an assurance from the guardians that they would lose no time in putting up a nurses ' home , the Minister would be prepared to recommend the Nursing Council to give its approval .
22 In Sicily the Pope told hearers that they should fight the Mafia .
23 An article in Le Monde on March 22 , 1990 , pointed to the increasing concern among Third-World countries that they would become the target of criticism for their human rights records as the confrontation between East and West declined .
24 It was inevitable that this strength , particularly when confronted by such weakness , generated the belief in both countries that they could transact a peace settlement which safeguarded their respective concerns .
25 It is a golden political rule for Chancellors that they must ensure a pre-election boom and should never waste one post-election .
26 If you had told any of Britain 's hard-pressed post-war chancellors that they could expand the economy vigorously and turn round the external accounts by 6.5 per cent of GDP without adverse consequences , would they not have jumped at the chance ?
27 ‘ I want to show companies that they can help the environment and save money .
28 But I understand your concerns that it may affect the erm .
29 The statement was vague on military issues ; despite expectations that he would announce a detailed plan for military reform , Chuan merely promised to " improve the structure of the armed forces " .
30 Labour in the north of Britain and the Conservatives in the south have so many safe seats that they can suffer a loss of popular votes without this being translated into an equivalent loss of seats .
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