Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [pron] [verb] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 One of Crossman 's cardinal convictions was that Britain was run not as a democracy but as an oligarchy — and that view of his was perhaps partially reflected in my own youthful outburst against the essentially incestuous relationship between politicians and journalists that I thought I had discovered even within the people 's party .
2 As I entered the committee room from the standard uncarpeted passage , I was given a friendly and businesslike handshake by the chairman , Lord Franks , who had courteously got out of his chair to greet his witness — an unfailing politeness that I gather he extended to every other witness .
3 besides a great many sins that he knew he had done that he could not remember .
4 ‘ In those Go-away times that I knew you had I should have guessed you needed help . ’
5 He had won it convincingly , as the judges ' 60–56 , 60–56 , 60–57 scores proved , but such is the tension of the schools finals second only in most young boxers ' eyes to the senior ABA finals that he felt he needed a bit more help .
6 Was he really so unbelievably sure of his charms that he thought he had only to indicate his wishes for them to be fulfilled ?
7 At issue is whether a foreign country can identify and successfully demand the repatriation of antiquities that it admits it did not even know existed until they turned up in a museum 's collection .
8 In later days it became fashionable to see Chaplin as a political rebel against Hollywood 's factory methods but he is better seen as the last of the old-style showmen offering a highly polished product to the masses that he felt he knew so intimately .
9 It was n't until she began her tour of the estate agents that she realised she had completely forgotten to settle Elise 's outstanding account .
10 They got you know quite a bit of stick for not being able to produce drawings that they said they had .
11 He could see the end coming , and it was just as she 'd said ; the friends he 'd made and lost , and the women that he wished he 'd known better .
12 From its throat , where a carelessly tied scarf failed to conceal deep scars , to its feet , encased in boots that I imagined I recognized , the monster was a monument to grime .
13 Maybe three months into training , when the captive trees behind the hotel complex burned into autumn flame and the air smelt of bonfires that they told her did n't mean danger , Chesarynth shivered across to the school .
14 He himself admitted so when he emerged , telling his followers that he thought he had killed Comyn , whereupon one of them rushed in ‘ to mak siccar ’ ( make sure ) : the Kirkpatricks of Dumfries have ever since carried the emblem of a bloody hand with dagger and the motto ‘ I mak siccar ’ on their coat of arms .
15 Compaq Computer Corp says that the restructuring of its field and reseller support operations in the US to increase interaction with its broadened customer base and provide enhanced support to its resellers ( CI No 2,148 ) , will cost about 150 field employees their jobs , but the loss will be partially offset by an as-yet-undetermined number of employees to be hired at the company 's Houston headquarters as part of the reorganisation ; the 150 to go are the last of the 1,000 jobs that it said it planned to cut in October .
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