Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [verb] [indef pn] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The shop now caters for the mainstream market , but it was built upon bringing in exclusive trainers from Germany in the early Eighties , trainers that had nothing to do with America , but a lot to do with the nomad Scousers , and Wade Smith often supplemented his stock by buying from Liverpool ‘ entrepreneurs ’ with time on their hands to travel to Deutschland and acquire , by various methods , the much sought after , exclusive Adidas Trim-Trab .
2 In nomadic and village cultures , the master dyer — almost invariably male — often acts as the tribal wise man , whose advice is sought on a whole range of subjects that have nothing to do with making rugs .
3 Vicky and I , although occasionally playing roles that had something to do with the ( slight ) story , were more often in a group ( Country Maidens , Serving Wenches , even Coiffed Nuns … ) .
4 Wars that were to end abruptly and , ironically , for reasons that had nothing to do with internal musical divisions .
5 A palindrome arises for reasons that have nothing to do with transformational grammar ; puns undoubtedly perform some sort of linguistic operation even though they are not accounted for in the grammars ; etymology reveals monsters more absurd than the most ignorant folk-etymology can imagine .
6 Personally , I find that I sometimes get new ideas while I am engaged in activities that have nothing to do with my research at all , such as gardening , painting in the house , or even shaving when I get up in the morning .
7 But just as the policy determinants of welfare are multiple , and sometimes unexpected , so individuals ' welfare is influenced by phenomena that have nothing to do with the activity of the state .
8 A more crucial issue concerns the use of the technology by other firms and organisations that have nothing to do with electronics .
9 And Kate kissed him back , caught up in feelings that had nothing to do with background or career or anything except pure sensation .
10 Edward had come to realise that he found some bodies more appealing than others , and that the contemplation of them aroused feelings that had nothing to do with artistic appreciation .
11 He also ran a couple of other businesses that had nothing to do with boats and were probably much more profitable .
12 Today David Coleman no doubt enjoys the Colemanballs Private Eye prints that have nothing to do with him :
13 Once she had seemed to know a good deal about him , but in her idle rancour of the last few weeks she had abused him for faults that seemed nothing to do with the truth of him .
14 All three teachers were adamant that despite the lack of time for consultation , the lack of space and resources and other problems that had nothing to do with the curricular rationale behind the project , it had been a great success .
15 Apart from its direct interpretation , the TSP can also be applied to problems that have nothing to do with towns and salesmen .
16 Capron ended up by saying I was barred from all files that have anything to do with Mills .
17 This view is essentially anthropomorphic ; we are mammals after all and it is perhaps comforting to think that our own distant relatives so directly proved their supremacy over slow-witted reptiles that had nothing to fight with but their bulk .
18 And to my recollection , no one for whom Prost has ever driven has had a bad word to say about him , save at the very end of Prost 's career with Renault , when other factors that had nothing to do with driving intruded .
19 TAUNTON 'S Brewhouse Theatre continues its Christmas tradition of shows that have nothing to do with Christmas with the opening of the Century 's tour of Irma La Douce .
20 It was asked , how do we respond when what appears to most commentators to be a profitable plant is closed on the basis of criteria that have nothing to do with the plant itself ?
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