Example sentences of "[noun pl] that [verb] [prep] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 This attractive hypothesis has been extended to other groups of plants and their ‘ consumers ’ suggesting that under certain circumstances plants may benefit from those animals that feed on them and , indeed , may positively ‘ encourage ’ such herbivory .
2 That 's perk , the perks and the bonuses that go with it but the contract , that 's what really counts is n't it ?
3 You may feel that an idea of this sort is what will give you the most charge to get through the sixty , seventy or eighty thousand words that lie between you and a finished manuscript , let alone the weeks of researching that may be necessary and the dense hours of hard thinking .
4 They were marked by projects that came to nothing and avenues of commitment that proved to be culs-de-sac .
5 Everyone wants to avoid ill-health and the limitations that go with it but , like all good machines , the body needs to be lovingly tuned and oiled .
6 Their high degree of competitiveness is a lesson both for British companies that compete with them and for all those who are looking for ways to sharpen their competitive edge .
7 Respondents are asked to tick those statements that apply to themselves or to give a mini-rating such as ‘ usually/sometimes/never ’ .
8 But most of the time she ignored the dogs that hovered around her as she slept in the sun or beavered around the village in pursuit of this or that scent .
9 You must not be afraid of thinking on your feet and adding good ideas that occur to you as you speak .
10 Look , Miranda , he said , those twenty long years that lie between you and me .
11 Other animals living today are , in some sense , failed evolutionary experiments that approximate to us but do not reach the right level .
12 I 'm sorry I have n't written since then , but I 've felt very confused about some things that happened with us and you did n't seem to want to say any more .
13 one of the nicest things that happened to me since I 've been widowed is having Neil to look after not only is he an exception
14 things that happened to them while they were making the African Queen and , they 've turned into a story .
15 Robyn could sense it ; the hostile vibes that emanated from her as soon as she saw Robyn were almost tangible , and the frosty smile and ice-cold gaze on introduction merely confirmed what Robyn already knew .
16 Because we 've got thousands of I B I S invoices that come to us that are not for us .
17 He also had to watch out for the bears that pounced on you if you stepped on the lines in the pavement , and the killer bats that hung upside down in the shadows under the roof of the railway arch , and the rats that came out of the cracks in the brickwork and infected you with their deadly diseases simply by breathing out into the same air that you breathed in .
18 I remember how her dress lit the stairwell , reflecting on to the wall the sunbeams that fell on it as she descended .
19 ‘ Having parted with my dear flock ’ , he says , ‘ I need not say without mutual sense and tears , I left Mr. Baldwin to live privately among them and oversee them in my stead , and visit them from home to home ; advising them , notwithstanding all the injuries they had received and all the failings of the ministers that preached to them and the defects of the present way of worship , that yet they should keep to the public assemblies and make use of such helps as might be had in public , together with this private help … ‘ ( i.e. r.Baldwin ) .
20 By environment is meant all the factors that occur around us and potentially influence our internal metabolism , which we have already seen is initially determined by genetic make-up .
21 The duty of a Christian was ‘ to cling to the Creed of the Apostles , and in all other things [ make ] an honest endeavour to find out what truths we can , and [ allow ] a charitable and mutual permission to others that disagree from us and our opinions ’ .
22 In the dusk of the evening and the darkness of the house , the things were only just visible … innumerable obstacles that intervened between us and the cosy hearth .
23 It is , in fact , his original watercolours , including studies of Easington , Ormesby and Upleatham churches , and the 12 smaller companion pen and ink drawings that go with them as illustrations for the 12 months of 1992 , which form the central core of this present show .
24 On the left you see the conventional picture of part of the stratigraphical column , with varied sediments , a single small break and fossil records that start from nothing and end as nothing .
25 well Mr says he discovered that after the Telegraph article and to document of the papers that relates to it that supports that , did you discover that too ?
26 But Engels missed the point that human productive activity is not confined to producing the means of subsistence and the tools that go with it and to reproducing the human species itself ; there is also the crucial activity of altering the social world by creating new social relationships .
27 The striking thing about these units is that they are virtually the same as other single cells that swim by themselves and have separate existences .
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