Example sentences of "[pers pn] might have [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example , you might have been a mere , much more happy about making a sacrifice for your brother , giving him a sweet , if you knew that on other occasions , he would give one to you , and because you are related to each other .
2 It might have been a suitable sales pitch for conglomerates shifting Blood Sweat & tears albums ; it produced some qualms amongst It staffers and others .
3 With 80 per cent of the seats in the arena again empty , it might have been a good opportunity to bus in the LTA 's young hopefuls to see for themselves what success in the game requires .
4 It might have been a technical failure or it might have been an action on the part of the operating crew or , indeed , a combination of both .
5 It might have been a comforting word here , a quick verbal lashing there .
6 It might have been a better picture .
7 And er yes i also , I would think , it 's a little unfortunate this chap happened to have his hand up on that er post there , yo you know , it 's a little bit er ungainly , it 's not sort of a very elegant sort of po I 'm not su suggesting he should pose for you , but I think , maybe had you waited until perhaps he moved his hand out of the way , it might have been a better erm composition .
8 Or it might have been a bigger concern than I ken .
9 Otherwise it might have been a great deal more difficult to ignore .
10 It might have been a delayed reaction to the drugs I had been taking for an operation I 'd recently had on my foot , but this seemed unlikely .
11 After all , ’ she went on , ‘ it might have been a private call — to a lover or someone . ’
12 It might have been a religious conversion , in which the partner did not share .
13 Then erm one could go on , because the building industry , for instance , civil engineering , road construction , actual buildings being constructed , they 're all very weather-prone , for quite a large extent of the contract , and so we provide erm weather advice to these people throughout the contract period usually , and not only throughout the contract period , but if the contract is held up because of weather then the , we get extension of contract comes into this , we can advise both sides on whether the claim is justified or not , because we have the statistics of how much rain fell , how cold it was , or perhaps it might have been a windy spell .
14 Had Hagi played for Dinamo Bucharest , whose future is now in doubt because of its links with the notorious security police , Securitate , it might have been a different matter .
15 It might have been a different person .
16 Had either realized her knack of manipulating it might have been a different story , but Sarah never allowed her determination to show .
17 At least that was what Steven thought he had shouted ; it might have been a different number , but it was something like that .
18 If they had been , it might have been a different story , for Owen himself only carried arms when he had reason to believe he might need them .
19 But he added : ‘ I think it might have been a little bit too early .
20 It might have been a dozen so far as your conduct of the operations is concerned , ’ said one of Joyce 's companions .
21 ‘ Do n't you think it might have been a jealous woman ?
22 For Horace it might have been a short madness ; in Frere it threatened to become a running sore .
23 He might have been a natural broadcaster but for the quality of his scripts .
24 He might have been a minor orator , not quite in the senate , nor yet on the stage , more likely at the Bar of some prosperous provincial town ; in fact he had made his early and relatively modest pile in some wholesale business .
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