Example sentences of "[pers pn] must [adv] [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I knew I must soon arrange the memorial party , and the perfect opportunity arose with a letter from one of my closest friends , Margo , now living in Australia , who was planning a trip to Europe with her husband later that summer .
2 Among book ephemera I must also spare a paragraph for the modest bookmark , much neglected and too little chronicled.2 I do not , of course , refer to improvised examples such as scraps of brown paper and bacon rinds , but to the commercially produced strips of silk , paper and card , some of them elaborately lettered and decorated , deckled , frilled , tassled and ribboned .
3 I must also criticise a system that puts them in a position in which problems occur .
4 I stopped after a short while and said ‘ this is nonsense — I ca n't learn any more of this sort of thing by two o'clock — I must just do a prose right through and see how I get on ’ .
5 But first I must just have a word with you about … ’
6 ‘ He said I must cheerfully accept the sacrifice ?
7 I must now examine the case that has been pleaded against the third , fourth and fifth defendants in the light of the analysis of section 6(2) and section 61(1) that I have attempted .
8 I must now draw a distinction between two types of ferreting .
9 I must now mention a point which I hope will not give rise to difficulties .
10 I must frankly admit the fact , ’ he remarked , ‘ that to the people of Northern Ireland it does not seem that the battle against terrorism is being won fast enough . ’
11 It was to some extent a class conflict and , although I am glad to have had what is commonly regarded as a ‘ good education ’ , I must seriously doubt the wisdom of the County Council 's charitable and well-intentioned scheme .
12 But you are not yet finished , because you must also check the annotation in the Noter-up binder of the Current Statutes Service .
13 You must also choose an area where there is little traffic , with no busy roads nearby .
14 You must also inform the LIFESPAN Manager which information you wish to query , that is User , Module , Process Model and/or DC .
15 Here , you must also treat the dog 's bed and bedding , and possibly the carpet , because fleas breed off the dog in its environment .
16 But if you do believe it then you must also believe the rest of it and realise that our relationship is destined to move along quite different channels than purely business ones . ’
17 You must also have a rent book , if you pay rent weekly , as proof of your financial transactions .
18 You must also have the belief that you can succeed , the character and the commitment to do the job . ’
19 You must also buy a copy of Debrett and familiarize yourself with the names of those people in society we hope will become our clients .
20 There are , of course , proven and untried franchisers , and you must thoroughly evaluate the franchise before you commit yourself .
21 When the machine stops , you must immediately lower the nose and increase the power to the hover level .
22 In the event or termination you must immediately destroy the Program together with all the copies , modifications , and merged portions and return the hardware key ( dongle ) .
23 Also , be aware that when working on one side of the machine , you must always clear the row counter with the main carriage or you will wonder why your rows are all wrong .
24 This means you must always turn the light on when the carriage is at the right .
25 You must always include a General , but apart from this you are free to choose as many or as few characters as you wish .
26 You must always include a General , but apart from this you are free to choose as many or as few characters as you wish .
27 You must therefore manoeuvre the Steam Tank into a firing position using steam points .
28 You must therefore find an architect , engineer or surveyor who has experience of old buildings and can provide an alternative , independent view .
29 Having created your verbal presentation you must now play a form of mental chess .
30 At the start one of these panels will flash and play a note , you must then repeat the sequence , the computer will then repeat the sequence back and add a note etc. etc .
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