Example sentences of "[pers pn] may also [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Depending on the circumstances , you may also suffer a penalty if an underpayment of NI contributions and tax results from an omission from an omission from your End-of-Year Return .
2 You can specify the number of a page in the mail message you have viewed previously ; you may also specify a page number to move forward in the mail message , but only to a page you have already viewed , or to the next page ( if one exists ) .
3 Having stated the case you may legitimately put it into its historical setting in order to show what advance it made on the previous law ; and you may also indicate the trend of development that it started .
4 You may also catch the village music festival with dancing happening on the third week of July .
5 You may also need a solicitor to defend you before a VAT tribunal or to fight tax assessment .
6 You may also need a cross-head screwdriver for some fittings : choose a Phillips type which will fit all crosshead screws .
7 When hearing loss is severe , the written word is your main ally , but you may also need the facility of one person who can make sure that you do not miss what is said .
8 You may also have a manager who organizes the arrangements for gigs as well as developing new areas of work like contracts for recording , publishing , with an agency or for merchandising .
9 You may also have the opportunity to attend a course .
10 As your career develops you may also have the opportunity to gain the Certificate in Supervisory Studies for Stewarding Management , and to work towards membership of Cookery and Food Associations .
11 You may also limit the duration of the Offline run if , for instance , you have only one tape drive and need to make it available for other operations .
12 You may also get a chance to ask someone a little about the firm and about working conditions .
13 You may also get a rebate on your car insurance , provided it is off the road for at least 28 days .
14 She may also mobilize the hand , if it is tense and clenched .
15 She may also cancel the arrangement whenever she wishes .
16 We may also detect a crisis of national consciousness in the old nations , and for similar reasons .
17 We may also feel the need to use the toilet during a severe panic attack and we may find that our breathing pattern changes markedly .
18 We may also instruct a solicitor or debt collection agent .
19 We usually have some warning when one of these changes is about to happen and we may also have the worry about this change balanced by the excitement that a change in circumstances often brings .
20 We may also see a relationship between a willingness to accept the authoritative knowledge of a subject and a willingness to defer to authority in general .
21 We may also derive the stress equilibrium equations in a simple manner .
22 We may also consider the value to A and to B of a bet , say for a simple example a 50 per cent chance of £0 and a 50 per cent chance of £1000 .
23 School monitors are distinguished in many ways , the most obvious being the vermilion gown ; they may also grow a moustache .
24 Believe , consider , judge , think , declare , imagine , all may precede states of affairs set out in the form of an explicit clause ; they may also precede a structure consisting of noun phrase + adjective , where the adjective is a clausal one .
25 Granted that the parallel markets may reduce the ability of short-term interest rate changes to influence monetary growth , by changing the relationship between money and spending ( i.e. velocity ) , they may also alter the significance of any monetary growth which does occur .
26 They may also trap the dew in hairs .
27 Such displays of humility are not only reminiscent of those of Robert the Pious in France , they may also reflect the teaching of Cnut 's own churchmen .
28 They may also smear a market scent on a flower which acts as a beacon to other bees .
29 The conclusion on predators is therefore that they have minimal effects on small mammal populations when numbers are high , that they have no braking effect when numbers are increasing , that they may have some effect when numbers are declining , but their major effect is when numbers are low , when they may also delay the recovery phase of the population cycle ( Southern , 1979 ) .
30 Unfortunately they may also prove a hindrance if BSL is presented only as manual English , through the tutor 's adherence to English or through the other necessity of providing English syntax for deaf people one is in contact with , since ‘ it will help their English ’ .
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