Example sentences of "[pers pn] may [be] [vb pp] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also , even if a subject is never directly or completely ‘ freed ’ trom repression by its displacement , he or she may be empowered in other ways — for example , by being seen to be homophobic in a homophobic culture .
2 They may be advertised in local newspapers or on local radio .
3 These reality principles may be alluded to , or they may be disavowed in various ways , but in either event they set limits and conditions to what is articulated about racism .
4 It may be said in general that the designer of a superconducting circuit needs to worry about the response time and energy of superconducting electrons .
5 In one sense , literature is like any other form of social or cultural activity , so that it may be analyzed in semiological terms ; this would involve discovering what the nature of its component signs are , and how the system governing their use and combinations operates .
6 This specimen is from Illinois , USA , but forms related to it may be found in Carboniferous limestones in many areas .
7 It may be described in general terms as a duty which requires a partner to act openly , fairly and honestly in all partnership dealings and which prohibits his obtaining any private benefit at the expense of the firm .
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