Example sentences of "[pers pn] just [verb] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I just concentrate on the fact that Maisie is fine at the moment .
2 That 's , that 's just like me that is , if I get into a rhythm and someone gives er , I can do it then , but if I just sit on a page , I think oh how do you do that ?
3 so I tap on the window , had just gone past and I was just about to go in his room , you know , cos he 's standing there and I just tapped on the window come outside Nick had just walked by and Rick and were talking you know it 's not like the dead of night and everything 's quiet
4 I just lay on the bed there , drinking .
5 I just lay on the ground and cried , ’ he recalled .
6 Cos I just landed on the bottom .
7 I just got on the ferry .
8 Can I just comment on the lady saying a minor crime , I do n't think any crime is minor when it happens to you
9 I just concentrated on the job in hand and felt better than I have done for months .
10 I was reluctant to go out again ; I just sat on the bed , trembling .
11 Then I just sat on the floor and wept for Granny , and for myself .
12 Did n't get u , dismount I just sat on the saddle like with my foot on the floor wandering what they was up to .
13 I just shouted on an impulse and was very sorry later . ’
14 Can I just concentrate on the binder .
15 I just reacted on the spur of the moment .
16 So I just sleep on the floor .
17 Er can I can I just follow on the question of local local water and the taste and quality of local water .
18 one , two , you just hold on a minute can you , just wait till Mark 's finished , cos it gets a bit confusing cos we get too many people knocking about .
19 Some people call it the nook but you just sat on the jam stones .
20 If someone pulls you out the river when you 're half drowning , you just lie on the bank coughing and spluttering , and no one expects you to say anything .
21 You just work on a plan where that i at the er at the beginning of the day you 're , you 're given your people to watch .
22 She do n't help out or nothing — she just sits on the bench , or wanders round looking at things , but I think she likes it .
23 Anyway , then she just sprawled on the floor and cried her heart out .
24 And we just lay on the floor laughing because it was just getting from bad to worse .
25 By the time we reached the Ava Bridge it had stopped raining and having got across , we just lay on the ground and got a few hours ' sleep .
26 That we just connected on a kind of mental plane .
27 We 've actually got a situation outside where I live where a thirty mile an hour speed limit is erm finishes just in front of some of the houses and of course we 've got no access to their the gardens so we just park on the road .
28 They just knocked on the door and asked Cosmas could they light a slow fuse under the bed ? ’
29 Unfortunately , few of them actually ever bothered to try it for themselves — they just relied on the evidence presented .
30 And when it comes to appointments , they just get on the blower to somebody and say ‘ give me your views ’ , and it 's the same circle of people they know and trust .
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