Example sentences of "[pers pn] about the [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was a party of sixth-formers with an instructor teaching them about the effects of weathering , the differing levels of hardness of limestone and how the two combine to produce waterfalls .
2 ‘ We talk to them about the style of service and food they are planning and the figure we recommend is often less than they had estimated , ’ he says .
3 Under interrogation he told them about the ball of wax and , when he finally shat it out , they cut it open and found a letter .
4 Nathan told them about the can of beans , the shotgun hold-up , the brutal thrashing in the back yard .
5 She told them about the visit of Father Devlin and Malachi Drennan ; of how Malachi had asked for Una 's hand in marriage ; of how he had offered to sell seventy acres of his best land to their father if the marriage took place .
6 ‘ But you tell them about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ . ’
7 ‘ In particular , ask them about the accuracy of sales forecasts , cost projections and the quality of the back-up he provides . ’
8 Which is why I should have welcomed the students who wanted to talk to me about the poetry of George Darley , which a misguided colleague of mine had included in a series of lectures on the early nineteenth century , and in so doing had worried the more discerning of my students , who were failing to see any merit there .
9 Also , as the first signatory of the motion , may I say that since it was tabled statements have been made to me about the involvement of Stella Rimington and Mr. Roger Windsor of the National Union of Mineworkers .
10 The hon. Gentleman asked me about the degree of support from medical staff .
11 Lineker says : ‘ It really started , if Graham 's honest , when he had a dig at me about the Republic of Ireland game at Wembley , when I did a piece with one of the newspapers saying I was a bit tired .
12 She told me about the Sheikhas of Al Ain , which were good and which were not truly hospitable or kind .
13 I knew when people were married and slept together a baby usually followed , but this did n't enlighten me about the facts of life .
14 ‘ He told me about the importance of eating and drinking on the course to maintain my energy level and to keep on the same emotional level throughout a round . ’
15 TV told me about the victim of child molestation who claimed , ‘ I owe my analyst my life ’ .
16 I am writing to you about the case of Im Su-Kyong , who was arrested for ten years for attending a peace march from North Korea to South Korea .
17 The watches will be led be experienced wardens who will also tell you about the species of deer you will see .
18 Crilly , I 'll tell you about the sparkle of Belgravia , the shimmer of white marble , a sumptuous , salubrious white , the sugary white of fluffy friendship , cloudship , feely white , and the slim cobblestone road which led to the river where I met James who was fresh from Waterstone 's with his arms full of Pinter plays , O he was as a young Terence Stamp , Crilly , but for the sly cracks of wisdom about the corners of his eyes , and we drank espresso and he told me about Spain and the high mountains of India , and the Pyrenees he had taken on foot , and though I was as trite as my shopping Saturdays and my small muggy and squirming palms in summertime , he painted my body swirly-lined and peach upon a large canvas and made love to me upon the tip of the Heath with all of London a basin of rooftops beneath us while the sky loomed low in grey and pink , the Heath a dark pudding of sloping mountains , wild and white and wide as Brontë country , with only the smug suburban cliffs of Highgate Village peering from behind its sprawling hem , and big dogs scurried like brown birds to the crevice of foothills and then disappeared , so we made love for a while beneath that sky , which cast a blaze upon us the colour of cream .
19 All provide a leaflet telling you about the range of services on offer .
20 All provide a leaflet telling you about the range of services on offer .
21 Each GP practice is now producing leaflets telling you about the range of health services available from the practice .
22 I am not such an optimist as to imagine that we are always going to agree with you about the type of regulation , or its costs , but I do want to emphasise that we are determined always to try to talk through contentious issues with you and to ensure that there is real dialogue . ’
23 ‘ I want to talk to you about the glass of water with the creature in it , ’ Matilda said .
24 Your midwife or GP will be able to tell you about the types of care available which may include : a hospital maternity unit , a GP maternity unit , or a home birth .
25 Your midwife or GP will be able to tell you about the types of care available which may include : a hospital maternity unit , a GP maternity unit , or a home birth .
26 The figure I gave you about the amount of money I 've spent gives you a notion about the size of the advance , which was very generous from both Gollancz and the Americans [ Putnam ] .
27 The bar chart , built up as you go , shows you how you are keeping up to programme and teaches you about the idiosyncrasies of bar charts !
28 The issues are not about inappropriate use of authority nor are they about the display of heroics .
29 On these occasions , the clinical teacher can do much to support the student and advise her about the organisation of priorities in care .
30 I 'd just approached a woman ( who , it emerged , could speak only Mandarin ) , to ask her about the joys of cycling .
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