Example sentences of "[pers pn] could [not/n't] [verb] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't bear her look of hurt expectancy any more , so I tore myself away from her face and walked off .
2 I could n't bear her judgements , I did n't agree , I do n't agree , with her values .
3 I could n't tell her mine was n't a route she 'd stand much chance of following .
4 But I gave her a cold stare and fluffed my fur out ; I could n't have her thinking I was a pushover .
5 I could n't believe her reaction , she was totally stupefied .
6 She was lying almost abeam of us , and at first I could n't see her hull , but only a sort of thickening of the mist that turned out to be her mast .
7 I could n't see her face but I knew she was older than I was .
8 I could n't see her face very clearly now , but could sense how she 'd withdrawn from me .
9 Although I could n't see her face properly , her tongue was painting my image by numbers .
10 I could not bear her loss .
11 I could not understand her ideas but I had a feeling she might be right .
12 Sharon , that 's it , I could not get her name last night .
13 The maid who opened the door to them could not take her eyes off the great fat woman in the biscuit straw hat with big cloth roses on its brim , and the cape that just covered her shoulders and showed an expanse of blue cotton bosom , the like she had never seen before .
14 Athelstan just glared at her but still she could not control her mirth .
15 And though she recognized that some of it was rebellion at the hours of inactivity , she could not ignore her bladder .
16 And try as she might she could not detach her eyes from the object on the table that had so totally winded her .
17 Nicandra ran towards all that beauty — although she could not tell her trouble nor make any mention of the displeasing butterfly , she could be close in the adored distance .
18 She told herself that if she did not look up she would not need to see it and after a while this not-looking would become habitual , but in the event she could not prevent her eyes from turning up to the campanile .
19 She could not bear her aunt 's desperate face , nor her uncle 's increasing silence .
20 She could not hide her astonishment .
21 And when Mrs Stych returned , looking like a fat Christmas fairy and complaining that she could not fix her wings , he was able to pin them onto her dress without rancour and to tell a thoroughly bawdy joke , which made Hank explode with laughter and his wife look outraged .
22 And here she was , with Frank Grimwood of all people , shaking so much she could not fix her spectacles on her nose .
23 I guessed , as everyone else must have done , that at some point she could not manage her life any longer and had gone out and stepped into the stream as a way of escape .
24 She felt a sensation of floating , since the poison which had claimed her had blocked all physical feeling , and she could not move her head to see the men who were carrying her .
25 But in the evening , in her room , she could not finish her letter to him .
26 Owing to Amal 's seclusion as a female , she could not identify her attackers by name , only that they were acquaintances of her brother .
27 Zoë Rashid now accepted that she could not visit her mother before she flew out to Syria .
28 That feeling was strange , she resisted it , she knew that it was absurd as well as amoral , but in the end she told herself that she could not command her feelings : she was no longer able to torment herself with thoughts of their wars nor to enjoy their celebrations , because she was filled with the conviction that none of it was her concern .
29 LATE at night an elderly woman rang Christine Hall to say that she had refused much-needed hospital treatment because she could not leave her dog , Holly .
30 At first she could not open her eyes .
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