Example sentences of "[pers pn] said that [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 When I said that I had read it , the hon. Gentleman said that he had also read it .
2 The Gendarme on duty at Boulogne Police Station looked surprised when I said that I had come to join the French Foreign Legion .
3 I said that I had had rather more than that , and I referred to having had about 800 , the large majority of which were tear-out newspaper slips , and a large majority of those would have been influenced by the leaflet , the Labour party ’ Standard ’ , with its misleading , scaremongering , alarmist nonsense .
4 and I said oh she , she said that you 'd phoned and you would n't be able to come and collect her .
5 but she sold her house in Jersey , her husband retires in July , the school break , and erm and she said I 've got some good , er when I got home from wherever I 'd been , Rudy left me a note to say phone Val good news and I thought it were her back was good news , but she said no me medical problems were not good news , they dare n't operate cos me back 's in such a state and they have n't give her much hope for anything apart from a wheelchair sort of thing , later on in life and erm , but she said that I 've got a bit of good news I 've sold me house so I said ooh lovely , so she said I do n't know any more but I ring you and let you know , the next night she phoned me back , she said yeah me house has gone they got two hundred and twenty thousand for it , they wanted them out a week on Thursday
6 ‘ We were under pressure from the Charity Commission to sort ourselves out and she said that she had done charity accounts before , ’ said Penny Boyd .
7 She said that she had visited the Forestry Commission 's premises earlier in the year , and had found them ‘ completely acceptable ’ as a polling station .
8 She said that she had walked past the quarry previously and had not been concerned about it .
9 She said that she had got ‘ quite dependent ’ on Roger — I suppose she may have known him for about thirty-five years .
10 She said that she had had people come to her office in tears , not knowing how they could possibly meet the cost of a funeral .
11 Daryl remembered something your mother had told her in a letter a week or two before , she said that she 'd met Sally Hopes mother and had liked her and she said to that she 'd seen Mrs Hopes baby .
12 she said that she 'd seen Julie and Julie
13 And she said that she 'd had the baby she was great .
14 Yeah er attractive , anyway what was I saying , I was talking to her and she said that she 'd had a talk with Foxy and Foxy had said excuse me , and I just felt I just felt so paranoid because she was saying , talking about all the , how he 'd never been faithful to anyone and how , and I really did feel , would n't you feel awful if everyone was saying oh Sal , yeah , Sal , Sal 's making a real effort but but no she said
15 That 's why she said that she 's got this jewellery stall .
16 But you said that she 'd got the interview Margaret
17 So what kind of people live here that we what 's what 's made it go you you said that it 's got one of the s what are the kind of things that go on now , that wo did n't go on before ?
18 You said that you 've become identified , almost trapped as a hard news or political photographer .
19 Do you find yeah the fact you said that you 've got your close family , do you find the fact you 're a close family , does that , that , does that help you , you know the fact that you you said that you have n't got
20 You said that you 'd worked erm quite happily for er t t
21 Yeah , and I thought you said that you 'd scrapped all that ?
22 ‘ You said your name was Millet … you said that you had come here to find out more about our son . ’
23 Erm which is points up a weakness there on the public relations side there I mean going back to their post share repurchase they said that they 'd got no new products in the pipeline , no research and development really sort of throwing anything up in the near future .
24 They said that they had asked the Treasury to give " careful consideration " to the various fiscal measures recommended by the committee .
25 Under interrogation , they said that they had received training in Pakistan and Afghanistan , and had supporters in Benghazi and Misratah , the latter being 200 km east of Tripoli .
26 They said that I had torn a policeman 's tunic .
27 But this , this bloke has sort of said , ooh he said , apparently one of the blokes that were working for him said that he had overheard him saying they were gon na burn the coach out .
28 It said that he had reneged on his monetarist beliefs ; that arrogance has been his undoing ; and that his policy lay in ruins .
29 He said that we had proposed setting up , through the Western European Union , a European reaction force but that a number of our partners within the member states had a strong emotional attachment to the idea of a common European defence policy associated with the European Community .
30 And he said that we 'd got to have some softening , some change , some relaxation after the intensity of the march to the hut .
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