Example sentences of "[pers pn] will not [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Subtext : I will not split the party if I am made chancellor .
2 This is the reason why I said to the managers of the Berlin Philharmonic in 1955 , I will have the orchestra for my lifetime , otherwise I will not sign the contract .
3 ‘ I am bigger and stronger than you , but I will not start the fight .
4 Whereupon he blew his top and declared , ‘ Well , I will not make the announcement , but I will never talk to you again ! ’
5 I will not open the door for you . ’
6 ‘ I promise I will not open the door to any strange men . ’
7 But I will not surrender the safety and the security of the British Constitution .
8 But I have already warned you to be on your guard against anything that any anthropologist has ever written about kinship terminologies , so I will not pursue the matter here .
9 Let me make myself very plain : I will not become the brunt of any unsavoury gossip and publicity .
10 ‘ I am the pilot , I will not take the responsibility .
11 I will not take the Ring to wield it ’ .
12 I will not violate the sanctity of that union !
13 But I will not let the difference in setting impair my judgment when I watch the plays in the church hall . ’
14 I will not call the Home Secretary any names , but I repeat the point made by many of my right hon. and hon. Friends .
15 But 22-year-old Alison Scott , who was hit in the back , says she will not let the incident cloud her life .
16 If she will not accept the gold , then tell her I will be back with a warrant for her arrest .
17 And just as she will not keep the caterpillar restricted to one plane of vision , so also she avoids obsessively restricting herself to the object .
18 I 'm sure you will not miss the significance of Gabellah and Alec Smith standing publicly together for MRA at our assembly .
19 Every now and again you will not make the progress that you anticipate .
20 Approach road junctions with great care , consider your road position and your speed , drive on only when you are sure it is safe to do so and that you will not block the junction , watch out for long vehicles which maybe turning left or right , at the junction ahead , but which may have to use to make a turn , when waiting to emerge at a junction , do not assume that a vehicle approaching from the right which is signalling with it 's left hand direction indicator would turn left , wait to make sure do you know what I mean ?
21 You will not regret the choice you 've made . ’
22 It is up to you whether you choose to leave the wood in its natural state , or stain and varnish it — either way you will not affect the performance of the press , simply make it look more attractive .
23 You wo n't , you will not get the taste of clay like tasting toothpaste because toothpaste
24 Unless you are a shorthand writer you will not have the speed to make verbatim notes from a talk and there is rarely the need to copy out material from books .
25 You might feel below par , that ‘ washed-out ’ feeling ; your resistance to infection could well be affected ; you will not have the zest for life that you should have .
26 If you are a professional grower , this bud is merely one among thousands , and you will not have the time to fuss and mollycoddle it — the head comes off in one go , and the bud has to take it full blast .
27 Even if you escape mugging or harassment , you will not escape the depression induced by your environment .
28 If you only have simple lists of results you will not notice the improvement .
29 The England boss is too much of a diplomat and never gives a clue to his plans , but I am sure a no-nonsense chap like you will not fudge the issue .
30 ‘ I trust you will not take the contagion , ’ Anne said wearily , lying back pale and wan upon the pillows .
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