Example sentences of "[pers pn] will [adv] have [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 If you have succeeded in fully engaging the sympathies of your readers you will probably have produced for them a main character who is something more than a stereotype , who has about him or her a good deal of the complexity of real life .
2 You will also have to allow for the time lag between installation and productive use which will probably be months rather than weeks or days .
3 In surgical wards you will often have to care for people who display anxiety .
4 During the period the hired car will be insured under this policy in exactly the same way as your own car is insured and you will only have to pay for the petrol used .
5 Many will have learned that the kind of job that they will probably have to do for most of their working life will be semi-skilled , routine , undemanding , and tedious .
6 The agency believes that investors will refuse to buy plants in the polluted region if they will also have to pay for cleaning up the environment .
7 They will usually have to charge for these , but you may be reimbursed if you subsequently register with the agency or fulfil a certain number of hours working for the agency .
8 The Target , if part of a larger group , will have depended on the group for certain services ( such as accounting and computer services ) , which it will now have to provide for itself .
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