Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [be] [vb pp] by a " in BNC.

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1 We used to go to a certain bar and sit at our favourite table , where we would be joined by a pair of bedizened harridans with dyed orange hair and chipped scarlet fingernails .
2 How fiercely they would be incinerated by a whole skyful of such light !
3 It was said that the main fear of many army officers who were posted to India was that they would be eaten by a tiger .
4 If they broke the vow a curse would ensue according to which they would be savaged by a bear , split apart by an axe , knifed to death or even choked by food .
5 Thus at times one of the Whig connections might work together with a Tory connection in the service of the administration , and they would be opposed by a combination of Whigs and Tories who were out of office and who sought to mobilise the independent back-benchers to put pressure on the government .
6 He tried to pull Caspar with him so that they would be hidden by a tree , but Caspar hung back barking .
7 He declared that if either Protection or the capital levy were submitted to the Commons , they would be defeated by a majority of more than 200 .
8 They would be protected by a new right known as the Unfair Extraction Right , but it would only protect the data for ten years .
9 At home in London she rarely bothered with such irrelevances ; here she knew it was expected of her and accordingly she had showered , dumped her travel-weary jeans into the laundry basket from which they would be rescued by a maid , washed , ironed and returned to her next day , and dressed herself in a loose silk jersey jacket and pants suit , simple and easy enough to please her yet enough of a transformation to satisfy her father and Sally .
10 Why , he asked , should not telephone engineers when canvassing for telephone business also canvas for Electrophone subscribers , when they would be remunerated by a commission from the Electrophone Company ?
11 That was the way his mind worked ; he would be struck by a sentence or a phrase , then he would worry at it , turning it this way and that .
12 Their complaint was that the accountancy expert was going to interpret the agreement , which was a matter of law , and that he had announced that he would be assisted by a law firm .
13 If he was he would be bound by a pre-existing collective agreement that had been made between the union and North Star Yachts Ltd .
14 He was flying first class to LAX , where he would be met by a uniformed chauffeur who would convey him by limousine or courtesy car to the Pinnacle Trumont on the Avenue of the Stars .
15 Mendy said he would be backed by a consortium — so far un-named — of professional sports people and had been guaranteed £100,000 in his first year , £200,000 in his second and £500,000 in the third .
16 But since Miletti was immobilized it had been agreed that he would be fetched by a group consisting of Pietro Miletti escorted by Zen and Palottino in the Alfetta , with an ambulance in attendance in case Ruggiero required immediate attention .
17 It was reported that he would be tried by a military court on corruption charges and for plotting an alleged coup .
18 It would be reached by a railway tunnel from the beach and sealed in with concrete when full ( see diagram ) .
19 It was not affected by the surrender of part of the premises , however large , although it would be terminated by a surrender of the whole , as then the term would have come to an end .
20 It would be assisted by a " national advisory body " .
21 It would be replaced by a mixture of housing associations , tenants ' co-ownership schemes and further individual ownership .
22 On finance , Heseltine conceded that the public had " not been persuaded that the [ community ] charge is fair " , and he stated that it would be replaced by a new local tax under which there would be a single bill for each household comprising two essential elements : the number of adults living there and the value of the property .
23 It would be facilitated by a common language and historic ties .
24 When there was a roast , invariably it would be preceded by a delicious soup .
25 If there were any ambiguity as to the meaning of the section — and in my judgment there is not — it would be resolved by a glance at the Report of the Committee on the Age of Majority ( 1967 ) ( Cmnd. 3342 ) ( ‘ the Latey Report ’ ) to see what was the mischief which the section was intended to remedy .
26 So did I. Occasionally it would be invaded by a phalanx of senior management , easily identified by the smarter cut of their suits and the ringing individualism in their voices .
27 A society of this kind would have a high level of culture and morality , and it would be managed by a system of genuine people 's rule , of ‘ profound and consistent democracy ’ .
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