Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [vb infin] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I think it 's also now pretty much common ground that the capacity of York city is around three thousand three hundred , but I think in in in taking an view on that , and in taking any view o on future windfalls , it is necessary for the panel to keep in mind that historically in the nineteen eighties windfalls were coming through at a time when it was not a adopted local plan for the city of York , so to some extent anything by definition of a substantial size was likely to be a windfall , erm , but also more to the point than that definitional point , I would expect to see , and I think what Mr Curtis has said earlier on that the local plan is likely to tighten up on criteria for release of sites , both small and large , he referred to the shortage of open space , and I would expect to see a policy change in short , a policy climate change , within the city of York that would constrain past historical rates of windfall release .
2 I would 've hired a pro , ’ Dwayne says .
3 I would 've , me brother and I would 've got a pub in erm excuse me asking these questions because it 's a bit vague , you know
4 If I could 've chosen I would 've got a girl more sophisticated , talk awhile , have a few drinks then screw .
5 As he explains : ‘ If I can successfully transfer what I believe to be management skills applicable to any discipline , then I would hope to follow a career path that will ultimately lead to directorship within an operations environment . ’
6 The way I would start forming a band would be to get a bass player and drummer first ; get a core of people who are on my wavelength , especially on the bass , and a drummer who 's got a really good right hand , almost like a jazz player , who can play light and not just hard .
7 I must confess that I would prefer to see a pigtail with an earring rather than the traditional civil service bowler hat .
8 ‘ If that editor were here tonight , I would love to issue a challenge to him : if someone tells you that the Royal Bank increases any customer 's charge without prior notice , he 's wrong .
9 I mean I would love to see a newspaper but the current staffing of the office does n't permit that also the costing of it erm but I 've very little input from this department and really while all out and about in the force and just a tip off about something human interest or whatever would be appreciated .
10 I would love to have a friend of around my own age to share outings , coffee and a chat and generally the good and the bad of bringing up children .
11 she said , John and I would love to have a Christmas on our own , I think it
12 After watching a few people jumping and getting caught up in the excitement and atmosphere , I decided I would love to have a shot , much to the family 's amazement and Sandy 's amusement .
13 I would love to have a crystal ball and see where we will be next Christmas .
14 I would love to have a meeting with him and have a tour etc if it were possible .
15 Catherine and I would love to have a room like that !
16 I would love to play a role with these girls .
17 At a previous consultation committee , Mr Smith probably said something like : ‘ In support of the proposal , there is no doubt that the policy of co-operation is essential , but I would like to sound a note of caution to ensure certain inbuilt safeguards of reasonable limitation of commitment . ’
18 I WOULD like to post a question that has been troubling me for some time .
19 Personally I would like to see a gradient profile included in later editions and perhaps also an index , though possibly these opinions reflect my own prejudices .
20 I would like to see a list drawn up of all the council 's assets .
21 I do n't think the whole question of cars and safety has never really been looked at properly it all seems to do , to be to do with cars and performance and I would like to see a lot more about cars and safety and like
22 Secondly , I would like to install a tachometer , is there anyone who can supply me with an add on unit that could be attached to the Lucas A127 series alternator ?
23 ‘ Mr Moreton , Sally is an old friend of mine and if I can not speak to her I would like to leave a message . ’
24 That 's why I would like to do a group assessment erm but yes long term
25 I would like to ask a question , that if this particular rule is n't necessary , then how does a branch go about appealing a decision made elsewhere in the union 's hierarchy ?
26 Ninety three A eight I would like to ask a question Mr Mayor .
27 Mr. Chairman , ladies and gentlemen , it is n't that I would like to say a word , it is that told me to say a word , and I realise I am starting off in the right way .
28 This month I would like to take a look at some further practical applications of blues-based double stop ideas .
29 Can you please advise Michael Daniell and Peter Mothersole that I would like to take a holiday as follows :
30 I would like to start a Homewatch Scheme which is concerned not with the preservation of property , but love and concern for the people who live there .
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