Example sentences of "[pers pn] would [adv] have [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , in most cases for most injuries , anybody would say " I would rather have avoided this injury than have any amount of money whatever in compensation " .
2 I would n't have said that .
3 er reading and I ha , I could n't hold of enough of the material in the time I 'd got to write the essay so I would n't have studied enough , so I did this one on machines , and I got hold of two good books .
4 I would n't have covered half the things that we covered in that time , yeah ?
5 I would n't have done that , ’ Norman protested : ‘ I would n't have made her cry . ’
6 I would n't have done that had he not come at me again . ’
7 ‘ Oh , but I 'm sure I would n't have done any such thing .
8 I would n't have done any speculating at all , ’ she informed him in a trembling voice , ‘ if you could bring yourself to be honest with me ! ’
9 I think if I had had more time to myself when I first retired I would n't have made that mistake and would have looked for interests nearer home .
10 sitting there , you know , shaking , I would n't have touched any food .
11 There 's me oh well I would n't have seen those would I ?
12 I , I , I would n't have given that a chance , I must admit I would never have backed it .
13 If you 'd been tossed around in the eddies down there I would n't have given much for your chances . ’
14 But having said that , it was wonderful and I would n't have missed that trip for anything .
15 I feel proud to have known him as Diane I would n't have missed that for the world .
16 ‘ And , besides , I would n't have missed this moment for the world . ’
17 I would n't have characterised that as urgent . ’
18 I would n't have noticed this if Jack had n't drawn it to my attention .
19 I would n't have had that happen for anything . ’
20 Of course , if I had obeyed the rule strictly , I would n't have had any problems , but because I did n't want to knit the next row I thought I could move both cams .
21 I would n't have had any choice , ’ he said slowly .
22 Schaefer , who has won 17 of 20 fights since turning professional in November 1987 , said : ‘ I would n't have come all this way if I did n't think I could beat Henry .
23 I would n't have minded that .
24 Yes , they rationalize but I would n't have got that from a programme .
25 Oh no , I would n't have got that one anyway .
26 ‘ Yes , I would n't have got all that much , but she would n't even agree to that , greedy cow . ’
27 See , right if he still was n't speaking to me properly I would n't have brought that off him !
28 I would n't have expected any relation of Caro 's to be such an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy .
29 I would n't have spotted that .
30 She erm said well of course they know the questions beforehand and the , the answers are always written out for them erm but I , I would n't have thought all the answers because some of them come over quite spontaneously .
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