Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [vb infin] [adv] any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Straight or curved ; practical or whimsical ; raised , stepped , level or sunken ; built with concrete , cobbles , flagstones or crazy paving : you can make almost any type of path to suit the character of your garden .
2 You can come here any time .
3 You can use almost any thickness yarn from fine 2/30s , up to 2/8s ( 4-ply ) and still obtain good results .
4 If you know people who know people you can find almost any information you want .
5 In fact , in Hong Kong 's markets you can buy almost any creature or part thereof you consider a delicacy , from bear 's paw to braised dog .
6 We can match almost any colour and fabric including antique silks and velvets , ’ says Annabel .
7 They part , but it is arranged that they can meet again any day in White Friars , near Chester 's Inn , at seven in the morning .
8 There are the lucky ones who have a superbly adapted metabolism : they naturally have a low blood cholesterol level , they can eat almost any type of food , in large quantities , and yet remain healthy and slim .
9 And they can sweep aside any criticism by declaring : ‘ We are only rewarding the loyalty of our truly dedicated fans — the ones who turn up for every match , however unattractive . ’
10 One of the best things about the Empire army is that it can accommodate almost any style of play .
11 It can involve almost any system of the body and yet there is evidence that it could be the result of a single gene defect , or defects in a limited number of genes .
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