Example sentences of "[pers pn] can [verb] [adv] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Here I can sketch only a part of that answer — although , as might be expected after seven years , I can also now take it a little further .
2 You can get onto the market by cheque , or do a telegraphic transfer from your bank to ours , or I can send round a bike
3 I can sense when a scene is about to turn ugly , so I interrupt .
4 The area had been given an unfair image by ‘ so far as I can make out a group of tearaways who are , at the moment , completely uncontrollable .
5 I can put on a dress and go to an awards ceremony .
6 I can put out an all-points on it . ’
7 I can put down a school teacher does that help ?
8 I can pick up a person and throw him two metres .
9 " I can pick up a horse and rider in my talons and carry them right across the forest . "
10 I can pick up a letter there without any bother .
11 I can pick out a face in a crowd or a name on a list
12 if the ban on those of us who went to South Africa with Mike Gatting is lifted in July I believe I can win back a place in the England side .
13 With limited space , it is unavoidable that I can provide only a summary of the work of a very active Association , but I thought your readers would be interested to know that schools are not being neglected .
14 I can understand why a kid would kill himself if he went through that sort of experience .
15 Say like erm th stresses we 're all under will cause depression , but after my had my children I suffered from reactive hyperglycaemia , low blood sugar , and we , that was glucose intolerance and I think an awful lot of women erm , suffer th from this and it 's not erm found out and knowing the glucose intolerance I can understand how a lot of children erm , suffer from er problems with eating habits because I think this is being discovered more and more
16 ‘ If I can take out a £420 loan and have ten years to pay it back , I 'll just pick up the cheque and go out and get ratted , ’ he said .
17 no completely void because you ca n't severe the good from the bad in section fourteen , your Lordship could n't take a blue pencil and , and , and find some words in section fourteen which say erm , you know , I can take out an article eighty five claim or I can allow an article eighty five claim but I can leave something else in
18 I can imagine quite a bit .
19 Well in our case , I can imagine quite a lot wo n't .
20 ‘ In a democratic society there is no way I can know how a person votes , ’ says club chairman Dennis Robinson .
21 I felt bloody awful this week , but erm at least I can run around a bit , come on Henry bally down , bally down , sit , good boy , go charging off up there and if you throw it , you wo n't see where it goes it 's so dark .
22 I can run around a pitch 25 times , no problem .
23 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
24 ‘ There is one retort still left , ’ writes Bramah , ‘ whereby to confound the non-existence and the dualists alike — I can produce both a Kai Lung and a Max Carrados between one pair of covers — and here they are . ’
25 If I can get just a fraction of this spooky atmosphere into my drawings , then they 'll be perfect . ’
26 I find I can get up a rhythm with this simple notation , more irregular passes with the lace carriage make me lose count .
27 ‘ While you 're gone I 'll make some calls and see if I can track down a crystal , ’ she said firmly .
28 ‘ While you 're gone I 'll make some calls and see if I can track down a crystal , ’ she said firmly .
29 Unless and until we find a deterministic control , presumably deep inside the earth , I can see only a series of accidents , most of these accidents seem to be the collisions of continents on the earth 's surface .
30 here so she can budge up a bit .
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