Example sentences of "[pers pn] if [pron] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think I know anyone who has made a fortune from their knitting machine , but then they are not likely to tell me if they have a yacht in the Mediterranean and a villa in the south of France , are they ?
2 My memory is n't what it was , although I daresay your names would come back to me if we waited a bit . ’
3 Anthony would strangle me if I caused a relapse . ’
4 Your mother would never forgive me if I caused a relapse .
5 I flew the Corsair down to Stansted and after landing the chap in charge of fuel allocations asked me if I had a cheque card .
6 They often asked me if I had a baby in my tummy because they saw no evidence of my menstruation …
7 Yes , I own my own cab but the real mushers would have me if I took a fare . ’
8 ‘ Yes , yes , but , well , you 'll excuse me if I frown a bit but you and Van Gelder are the two most important people on this ship . ’
9 ‘ You 'll forgive me if I have a cup of tea before reading the register , Nurses ? ’
10 I could n't get over Des asking me if I wanted a bottle of beer !
11 Then he asked me if I wanted a drink . ’
12 oh alright , what about me if I want a film ?
13 What about me if I want a film ?
14 It 'd bother me if I bought a fake .
15 ‘ You can stop me if you 've a mind to . ’
16 ‘ Just tell me if you need a rest . ’
17 If you have a pre he 's actually said to me if you have a problem I will listen and I will help you , so there 's me going to him and saying look due to a misunderstanding I have a problem and this one saying tough
18 communication yes , so that we used to have the difficulty , and we used to rely on the odd person , railway people , drivers and their guards , they used to be knocked up during the night for early duty , by call boys , we used to make use of them if we wanted a message sent anywhere .
19 The bespectacled motormouth gets a cover splash on the New York Post for urging black kids to skip school the day his Malcolm X biopic opens , claiming that ‘ the teachers ca n't hold it against them if they write a report on what they see . ’
20 A regulation on the control of mergers and competition entered into force on Sept. 21 , giving the Commission authority to vet all large-scale mergers within the EC and to block or reverse them if they presented a threat to competition .
21 I said to the farmers we s you should cut grass and you get nitrates into the water and I said to the farmers er er about their slurry throwing erm a muck across the land , we know the problems that causes , I said if we came out with fertilisers which were would you buy them if it costed a bit more .
22 No , but I am aware of them if I pant a lot climbing up in a flight of stairs .
23 But erm , and you could always refer to it in your dialogue with them if you had a claim to make , er that they were only paying the district rate .
24 In many societies David McKnight tells me the man who does the circumcision who actually chops off the foreskins as it were , owes you a wife for it and he says in many of them if you give a man your foreskin then you 've got a right to demand a wife .
25 You can , too , win a straight argument with them if you have a sound case .
26 When you look back , when you look back you see , erm , understand that after nineteen twenty six , at the local pits , if you if you took a watch , if you took a watch to work with you , so that you 're in a position to know the time , and tell the other people what the time was , you see , you were running the serious risk of losing your job .
27 Temporary contracts of employment may be offered to you if you attend a course which has a high clinical input .
28 Because ’ — his speech slurred a fraction — ‘ I 'm going to tell you a story I heard the other day which I could n't possibly tell you if you had a lady Archdeacon . ’
29 did erm , did he ask you if you had a roof rack ?
30 Erm now the periodic table , we 've looked at that before and it 's the if you knew the periodic table and where everyone fitted in , every all the elements fitted in or you if you had a copy , you could very intelligent guesses .
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