Example sentences of "[pers pn] have to be [vb pp] to " in BNC.

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1 No-one is born knowing that Michelangelo is wonderful ; you have to be exposed to it , and this is the job that has to be done .
2 I think this is the only way to teach these kids , but you have to be committed to this way of teaching to make it work .
3 The pressure ‘ head ’ normally needed for operating an instantaneous water heater , typically 10m or 15psi ( pounds per square inch ) , means that they have to be connected to the mains .
4 They cost about we reckon seventeen to twenty five pounds to buy and they have to be fitted to a door one and three quarter inches thick .
5 Once documents have been scanned and indexed , they have to be saved to optical disk .
6 I do n't care if they have to be strapped to the mast .
7 They have to be sent to ‘ cowboy school ’ .
8 And because you have to be bursting with energy and health to do the top jobs , they have to be given to younger men .
9 No doubt Cardiff feel that they have to be seen to be doing something to restore both their fortunes and their credibility and that the something should be suitably dramatic .
10 They have to be subjected to a rigorous trial by doubt , and only those considered ‘ indubitable ’ or ‘ certain beyond any shadow of doubt ’ are finally accepted as true .
11 Well if you go and sit in your chair nicely , you can sit and look at them as long as you look and do n't try and take them out They have to be delivered to you , wo n't they ?
12 However , to the extent that standards differ , either goods can not be exported with a consequent loss of competition between countries , or if they are exported they have to be adapted to the rules of each national market .
13 The argument that structures of such scale and uniformity must be the work of the Danish monarchy is difficult to resist , and so they have to be added to the features at Jelling , the renewal of the Danevirke , and the bridge at Ravning , as evidence of a burst of building activity under Harald Bluetooth all the more remarkable because quite without parallel in the history of the Danish monarchy in the Viking Age .
14 Cars supplied for hire or purchase can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual , but the types of adaptation that can be made to hire cars is more restricted because they have to be returned to the general market at the end of the hire period .
15 Now the American authorities have said Teresa can have custody until February next year after which they have to be returned to her husband .
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