Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's [not/n't] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But if this woman believes in women 's lib , then she 's not exactly doing other women any favours .
2 ‘ Knowing when prisoners are ready to respond is the skill you learn to develop here ’ , said one ; ‘ the staff are a good lot and there is a positive culture in which to work — but you still have to work out when real work is possible and it 's not just meeting institutional demands . ’
3 Our philosophy is that it 's not just conjuring twenty five thousand pounds out of the air , it 's actually changing the way the Corn Exchange is and we feel strongly about that but we are not going to waste your time going through all that .
4 It 's not just making sure that the notes harmonise , it 's making sure that they 're attacked in a similar manner .
5 It 's not easy hitting that little ball you know .
6 It 's not physically demanding other than in stamina concentration terms .
7 It 's not simply making certain er , superficial , and external decisions .
8 It 's not even rewinding that up .
9 Well I mean , it 's not necessarily to say that you know , that they
10 It 's not much used these days , but I think you 'll find it comfortable for your purposes .
11 I mean it 's not merely recognizing that past land reforms did n't work , it 's a totally different policy .
12 Although Daniel 's dark skin offers him the same protection as a mild sunscreen , it 's not enough to block all the sun 's harmful UV rays .
13 The powder 's just gone it 's dissolved a little bit but it 's not really doing much on its own .
14 Cos it 's not actually working algebraic that calculator at the present moment I do n't know what you 've got it programmed in What you 've got it at but it 's not working algebraic .
15 I mean , he 's not exactly travelling everyday is he ?
16 Well that lady gets punished but then he 's not like taking this so sort of view that there 's any sort of order in the world .
17 Something to keep him occupied through the odd thirty seconds of the week when he 's not actually reading some other report .
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