Example sentences of "[pers pn] 's [adv] [adj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 She 's quite friendly to talk to actually .
2 Yet she 's too busy to write to her mother . ’
3 So it 's probably better to stick to the system of A times that one , that gives us the A squared okay .
4 ‘ But when you get outside , it 's really hard to keep to them . ’
5 ‘ Well , as I know from personal experience it 's almost impossible to get to the rear of this house from the front when the door at the end of the passageway between the garage and the house wall is locked .
6 ‘ I 'm a Midlands boy from Warwickshire so it 's always nice to return to my roots . ’
7 in cos it 's always handy to give to her because she 's she 's looking for you know , I mean , sort of you know different things all the time and she 's got various
8 It 's always difficult to come to a conclusion about portable computers because people buy them for different reasons .
9 It 's sometimes hard to explain to a person who does n't share your enthusiasm for the plant and animal kingdom why watching three ptarmigan walking about on a clump of moss is exciting , but take my word for it that it is .
10 It 's quite easy to get to £50 a week just for basic essentials like stable and grazing rental , bedding and feed .
11 It 's quite easy to accede to the charge that one 's badly guilty . ’
12 Offering Mr Hurd his support , Mr Michael Heseltine ( C. Henley ) , said : ‘ It 's quite impossible to explain to the Chinese population in Hong Kong that we 're putting their relatives back across the frontier with the mainland day after day , and allowing boat people from Vietnam to remain in Hong Kong . ’
13 It 's hardly petty to want to be able to go for a walk along a public right of way .
14 It 's so irritating having to constantly stop and put your kagoul on , and then stop 40 seconds later to take it off again .
15 I get lost myself sometimes , it 's so hard to get to . ’
16 Congress , I think it 's only right to draw to your attention that in item five B USDAW that at the last USDAW Conference there was a motion passed saying that there should be recognition for the independent trade union within USDAW which is ourselves , G M B Apex .
17 ‘ You realise it 's too late to return to Cairo tonight . ’
18 Well , my first job came during four weeks of my last term at RADA when I had applied and been chosen for a television play called It 's Too Late to Talk to Billy which was set in Belfast — which is where I came from originally .
19 ‘ Well , it 's too early to go to bed and the rooms are like ice .
20 If it was definitely linked to her death I might have to break a promise — which I 'd hate doing because the repercussions for the crew could be very serious — but it 's too vague to go to Foucard and run risks with other people 's livelihoods . ’
21 It 's very much connected to late enlightenment notions that the only valid government would be representative government .
22 Paradoxically , it 's very easy to talk to other volunteers about the calls , the personalities , or the organizational dramas ; it 's a standing joke amongst Switchboard volunteers that whenever two or more of us get volunteers have been known to refuse dinner invitations unless Switchboard as a topic is banned , and lovers often jokingly refer to themselves as ‘ Switchboard widows ’ .
23 ‘ Chinese and Western cuisines have very different styles , but since I 've been here , I 've realised that once chefs have the chance to exchange views and work together , it 's very easy to adapt to a new style of cooking .
24 Living in this area , for example , you can visit a campus university here at Sussex , a town-type institution at Brighton Polytechnic or Portsmouth Polytechnic , a city-based university in Southampton , and it 's very easy to get to London .
25 But it 's very difficult to say to people , ‘ Go back into your offices and rock your handset ’ , because it 's the last thing on your mind , especially after a boring afternoon like this , all you want to do is get in there , do as little as possible and go home !
26 I think the problem about having it as a a a perhaps a wine bar or something is that is that it 's very difficult to get to and I think it do n't does create problems for people but I think there is a solution there we just need to actually target the right use for it .
27 he has he the same problems that we 've all had you know erm and yes he 's , he 's , he 's very easy to listen to despite the fact that he 's a southerner .
28 ( Technically I should have Norris 's solo room because I 've been in the flat longest , but that room 's small and noisy ; also , Gav does n't snore and he 's quite happy to retreat to the living room couch if I have female company …
29 erm but ea she would n't bring him over to the phone , she said oh he 's too weak to come to the phone .
30 He 's too young to go to nursery then is he ?
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