Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [adv] [vb pp] into [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose I had finally grown into it . ’
2 She had completely settled into her new , easier life .
3 Fortunately , she had never fallen into our clutches .
4 She did n't know the colour of his eyes because she had never looked into them .
5 With a hopeless shrug of resignation she hurriedly put on a slim linen dress , which she had only thrown into her case at the last minute .
6 Once we had all got into our canoes we were given a quick talk on safety procedure , capsize drill and what to do if you get into trouble .
7 Such gigantic creatures could hardly be living in some remote spot unknown to European science , so they had either changed into something else or had become extinct .
8 They reckoned that they had already entered into their reign with Christ : they were already rich already filled with the powers of the Age to Come ( 1 Cor 4:8 ) Paul comes down immediately like a ton of bricks on this attitude which regards the Spirit as a medium of religious experience or an embodiment of supernatural power , rather than as the vocation to and equipment for the role of the Servant .
9 ‘ I must say I 'd have been happier , ’ said Rose , when everyone was suited and they had all sunk into their chairs , ‘ if Viola had kept away .
10 She 'd liked men — of course she had — but for some reason or another it had never deepened into anything else .
11 It was all right for Alain ; he had simply got into his car and driven away .
12 It was as if he no longer existed : he had already merged into their grey landscape , claimed by the marshes , the mud , the rocks and the waves .
13 She had declared that Edwin must henceforward run the Ashwell estates , as if he had already come into his inheritance .
14 She had been instrumental in putting him in touch with Liza although , as things had turned out , he could not help thinking that it might have been better if he had never bumped into her that day in Piccadilly .
15 He had hardly moved into his palace before James , Duke of Monmouth , the illegitimate but protestant son of Charles I , returned to claim the throne from the Roman Catholic James II .
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