Example sentences of "[pers pn] had [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In return , I described my discovery of Weimar 's system for naming streets when I had visited it a few years earlier .
2 I had seen her a few times since and remembered her lively face , her large , intelligent eyes which were always looking here , looking there as if one moment 's rest would deny her some crumb of life .
3 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
4 I had to give him a bloody week !
5 Sometimes he grunted at me as if trying to get me to say something , but always I had to give him the same classroom answer : ‘ Ich verstehe nicht . ’
6 By the time I had heard it a fifth time , one of football 's most respected managers stood accused of everything from gross indecency to impotence .
7 Trying to escape by going to the only other bar in Woodstock , where I was chased around a table by The Psychedelic Furs because I had given them a bad review in a music paper .
8 Pedalling up to the office in the mornings , with the bike wheels crunching on the thick white frost , I would arrive with bright red cheeks and breath coming out like steam , and once the Met Officer commented , after I had given him a cheerful , early morning smile , ‘ You do n't know what a difference it makes to your face when you smile !
9 I asked Toby to do me a favour and tell the Fleet Street ‘ dirty mac brigade ’ , who covered crime and other seedy activities , that I had given him an exclusive .
10 ‘ I seem to remember that he never stopped talking and I had given him the cold fish eye . ’
11 He laughed softly , with pleasure , as if I had fed him the right cue .
12 I had bought him a musical tie which woke him up from an afternoon nap when he rolled on to it .
13 I had thought him the luckiest man on the FAKOUM Central Committee .
14 And yet , until Irina described me as bad-tempered , I had considered myself a peaceable man , a listener and an observer , occasionally a counsellor , even a mediator .
15 Even as a wee boy I had considered it an unfair exchange .
16 I had proved myself the fittest by the mere act of survival .
17 I set off from Beirut for Jerusalem in the late autumn of 1980 ; and the moment I entered Rafi Horowitz 's office in Jerusalem , I realised that I had set myself no easy assignment .
18 I had forgotten what a silly little girl you still are . ’
19 Time to fast from it That session with She-She had done me no good at all .
20 So she had to do it the slow way .
21 Not a word had she received from Pilade 's father as to his son 's welfare all this long time and if she had given him cause , as he might argue , to abandon her she had given him no such leave to forget his child .
22 She had given her a tiny dose of medicine just before the explosion , and now Julia closed her eyes .
23 She had given herself a fair amount of time to get to Luke 's , and if she left the motorway at the next junction and did n't hang around she 'd be only a little late at the most .
24 This was to be her special torture then : just when she had discovered what a selfish , callous , calculating person Mark was , everybody was going to try and sell him to her .
25 She had asked him a few Saturdays ago if everything was all right between them .
26 The second bullet followed almost immediately , this time in front of her , and she had to fling herself the last few feet , landing heavily against the side of the corrugated iron door .
27 She had made her a cool and sweet-smelling bed of grasses inside a circle of powder to keep away ants and other insects .
28 She had made it an attractive place , beautifully decorated with light paint , and furnished with old pieces picked up at auctions with taste and considerable knowledge of antiques .
29 She had done him a beautiful hand-painted one the year before with ‘ Lots of love ’ on it .
30 She had brought herself a new swimsuit but after she had changed she 'd stared critically at herself in the mirror in the changing-room .
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